Monday, November 20, 2006

Chapter Two

Chapter Two


Blogger Christina said...

He smiled at me, and at the next stop he walked over and sat next to me.
"Fancy meeting you here." He said.
"I know. I kicked myself when I realized I didn't get your number." I told him. Then I blushed when I realized what I said.
"Really? That upset?" He asked.
"Yeah. I guess." I said and giggled nervously.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to give you my number. After all, you are the first friend I have in New York." He said, and pulled out his phone. I dug mine out of my purse and we exchanged phone numbers.
"So where are you staying?" I asked him.
"Not far from the University. I'm staying in a loft with two other college students. It will be intersting as they are both Natives to New York." He said.
"Really? I think I'm only about 4 or 5 blocks from the university. My cab drove by it on my way home yesterday." I told him.
"That's crazy. I thought New York was suposed to be huge, and here we are meeting again, and only living a few blocks away from each other. We have to get some coffee or lunch sometime. You're the only person I know here." He said. "Where are you headed today?"
"Oh. Actually, I don't know. I had a bad morning, and just jumped on the subway." I told him.
"Really? Spontanious then?" He asked.
"Hardly. I never do things like that. I guess it's the excitment of the big city." I told him. The subway stopped, and he stood up.
"This is my stop. You're more then welcome to hang out with me for a little while. I mean if you have nothing better to do." He said.
"Um, sure." I told him and stood up. We stepped off the subway, and walked out to the city street above. I didn't have a clue where we were.

"So, what exactly are you up to today?" I asked him. I hadn't noticed before, but he had a large flat canvas bag over his sholder. It was square, and zipped around the sides and top.
"I'm an art student, this is my portfolio. I thought I could try to sell some stuff to make a little extra money. I'm not very good though, so it's more to learn a little about the art scene and how stuff works here." He said.
"That is amazing. I'm here for photography." I told him.
"I bet you take good pictures." He said. We walked along the art district and stopped at rundown old apartment building. Or what used to be an apartment building anyway. We walked inside and it looked like most of the interior had been cleared out to make studio space. Ryan pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket to find the suite number he needed. We followed a couple signs to the elevator, and rode up to the 3rd floor. When the door opened, we walked out into a row of offices, and smaller studios. There was a chair outside the Suite he needed, so I took a seat while Ryan went inside. I noticed one of the studio doors was slightly ajar. After a few minutes my curiosity got the best of me, so I got up to investigate. I looked around, was satisfied no one else could see me, and then peeked inside. It was full of photography displays. I walked in, and stared in wonder and amazment...these photographs were amazing. Certainly nothing like I had ever seen before, and something I felt I could only dream of capturing myself.
"Excuse me, what are you doing in my studio?" I heard a stearn female voice ask. I jumped, and turned around. There was a petite woman, probably in her early fifties standing at the door. She had on black framed glasses, fitted black pants, and a black smock.
"Uh, I'm sorry, the door was open- and I.." I stammered.
"Thought you would just barge in and look at things that aren't yours?" She asked. "Things you probably can't even apreciate?" She asked.
"NO! Not at all. Photography is a passion of mine, these are amazing! The colors, the angles, the composition-" I started to say.
"Okay, stop. You obviously know good work when you see it. My name is Agnus Stone." She said, and held out her hand.
"Samantha Thomas." I told her, shaking her hand.
"You don't recognize my name. Either you are not familiar or passionate about photography, or you are not from New York." She said. "Which is it?"
"I'm not from here." I told her.
"I figured. Well, you've looked on greatness, before anyone was suposed to see it. I supose it's all right though. I apologize if I seem a little harsh. I have a showing tonight, and I always get a little nervous on opening nights." She said.
"I apologize for coming in here. I was really amazed by all of your work. I could only dream of taking such fantastic photos." I told her.
"Thank you for the flatery. Anyone can take photo's child, but few can truly capture art with them. You'll do good, I can sense it about you. Come, you will help me finish setting up." She said, handing me a stack of small business cards.
"The cards are Titled, and numbered. The numbers match up with the little numbers written in pencil on the wall underneath the photos. Kindly match them up and tape them to the wall." She said.
"Okay, but I'm actualy here waiting for a friend-" I told her.
"Nonsense. This is a once in a lifetime oportunity for you my dear. Don't spoil it for yourself. If he is sensible, he'll wait for you." She told me. I smiled and started helping her. I kept seeing the prices on the little cards, and nearly gasping. For the price she was selling these for, I knew she had to be very well known. About fifteen minutes into it, I noticed the door open.
"There you are. What are you doing?" I heard Ryan ask.
"I'm helping Ms. Agnus Stone." I told him.
"Agnus Stone?" He asked, and his eyes got big.
"Yes." I said, smiling.
"Did I hear my name?" She asked, walking around one of the pillars. Ryan took a step back.
"Your artwork is amazing. I've seen your paintings." He said to her.
"Oh, wonderful. Now you can admire my photography as well by helping me and your dear friend here." She said, handing him a feather duster.
"It would be an honor." He said, imediatly starting to dust frames. I watched Agnus for a moment as she walked around with an air of stearness and strictness, going about her business. Her hair was short, and business like, but attractive on her. It was black, but she had one streak of gray in the front. I was absolutely amazed by her. I knew imediatly that I wanted to get to know her better. I smiled, and turned around to finish working. When we were done she walked over to Ryan and I.
"Now, the opening is tonight. I want you both to come and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Come by at 7:00 sharp, the show starts at 8:00. You, both may bring something to put in the show. Your best works." She said, and shook our hands.
"Thank you Ms. Stone, it was amazing meeting you, it truly was." I told her.
"What do you mean was? You'll be seeing more of me. I like you, you aren't stuck up like most of the people I meet here in New York. Dress nicely, both of you please." She said.
"Thank you Ms. Stone." Ryan said, shaking her hand.
"Oh, enough of the Ms. Stone shit. Call me Agnus." She said, and waived to us as we left.

"That was unbelieveable!" Ryan shouted when we got outside. "UNBELIEVABLE!" A bunch of people passing by gave us weird looks.
"Stop! People will think you are insane." I whispered.
"My work got turned down by the fat bastard I met with this afternoon, but now I get to show a painting of mine! MY FIRST DAY HERE! Sam, you are good luck. I'm sticking with you." He said, and it made me laugh. We spent the rest or that day together exploring parts of New York. We went our seperate ways around 5:00 and decided to meet up at my apartment at 6:30, so we could take the subway together and meet Agnus at 7:00. That only gave me an hour to get ready when I got home, so I jumped in the shower, and then scrambled to find something to wear. I had no idea what was traditionaly worn to thing like this, so I figured I couldn't go wrong with my favorite black dress. I pulled my hair back, applied some light make up, then realized I hadn't picked out a photograph! There was a knock on the door.
"Shit!" I muttered. Ryan was there already. I ran to the door to let him in. He looked stunning. He was wearing black trousers, and a shiny gray button up shirt with a thin black tie.
"We match, perfect." He said. He had his canvas bag over his shoulder.
"Did you decide on a painting?" I asked him.
"Yes, it's my favorite." He told me. "What about you?" He asked.
"I don't know!" I said, starting to panic. I thought of the photo I had picked earlier that day, and how that horrible man completey shot it down.
"Here, I'll help." He said, and sat down on my couch. I grabbed a portfolio, and he started flipping through it with me.
"THAT ONE!" He said pointing it. It was a black and white photograph of a girl outside The House Of Blues in California. She looked wild, and rebelous. Her dress was short, and her hair was up and crazy. I liked the pic because of the look in her eyes. It was a spontanious magical look full of attitude. I had never even been inside the place, or even in that neighborhood before. The music scene wasn't exactly my cup of tea. I had only gone to get some ideas for a project, and came away with that photograph. Using a new technique I had learned, I made the jacket she was wearing Red, while everything else in the photo was black and white. I had never thought the photo was that amazing, but the more I looked at it, the more I liked it. I kept seeing the look in her eyes, I had left them blue.
"I think it's perfect...It's absoluely amazing." Ryan said.
"Thank you. I trust you, I'll go with it." I told him. He looked up at me, and we both smiled.
"Well, we better get going!" I shouted, and jumped up. He followed me out, and we headed off to our exciting night ahead.

12:10 PM  

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