Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Chapter Four

Chapter Four


Blogger Christina said...

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12:44 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

I got a job at a cafe down the street from my apartment. I didn't have to, my parents were willing to give me the money, but I really wanted to do things for myself. My boss was in his thirties, and in great shape. He was also a huge flirt, but it was all in fun.
"Sam! Two double shot espressos for...Kristin." He shouted at me.
"Okay Tom..two coming up for Kristin." I said, and made the coffees. I set them on the counter and whoever Kristin was took them from me. It was pretty busy that morning, so when it finaly slowed down about 10:00 we gladly went to the back to take a break. Two of the other girls had called in that morning, so it was just Tom and I left to run the store.
"Thank god at least you are reliable." He said, sitting down on some crates.
"Yeah, well I'm a hard worker." I told him, and yawned. I leaned against the wall and started playing with one of the aprons that was hanging on the wall.
"Late night?" He asked, winking.
"Yes, but not what you think." I said laughing. "I was up organizing my photos and thinking of ideas for new shots. I have to pick out a photo to go in a show this Saturday." I explained.
"Oh, that's right. Miss artsy-pants." He said.
"Yeah, yeah. Shut it Mr. Jazz band sax player." I said, sticking out my tounge. We heard he bell on the front door.
"I'll get it, you finish your break." I said, walking back out front.
"Sam?" The guy at the counter said. I looked up and it was Ryan.
"Oh, Ryan! How are you?" I asked.
"I'm doing good. I found a few more shows to display my artwork. Just small shows that the art department at the college puts on." He said.
"That is terrific." I told him, and smiled.
"Do you have a picture for tomorrow?" He asked.
"No. You know how I am at picking out what to show." I said.
"Yeah, I remember. Do you want to go get a drink or something later?" He asked me.
"Uh, sure. I would love to." I told him. He smiled real big.
"How about the Jazz bar up the street? My boss is playing there tonight." I suggested.
"Yes, that will be great." He said. I'll pick you up at your place. 7:00?"
"Yes, 7:00 is perfect." I told him.
"See you then. Bye." He said, and started to leave.
"Uh, Ryan!" I called after him.
"Yeah?" He asked, turning around.
"Did you want a coffee?" I asked.
"Oh, shit! Yeah. Sorry. I guess I was surprised to run into you." He said. I made him a coffee, and handed it to him.
"What do I owe you?" He asked.
"You don't owe me anything. This one is on the house."
"Thanks." He said, and smiled. He stood there for a second, then looked a little embarassed, and left.
"Somebody's got a crush on you." Tom said, coming out of the back.
"Did you see that?" I asked him, laughing.
"I sure did...he's a lucky guy." He said, and started wiping down the counter.
"Maybe I'm a lucky girl." I said.
"Nah, he's the lucky one." Tom said, and squirted me.
"HEY! Watch it!" I told him. tossing a straw at him.

When I was off work that day, I went right home. I wanted to start getting ready to go out that night. I drew a bath and relaxed for a while, then continued getting ready. I wore some black pants, my black boots, and a white, kind of snug, button up shirt. I had just finished getting ready when Ryan knocked on the door.
"Come in!" I shouted, putting my left earing in. I heard the door open, then close.
"You know, you shouldn't keep your door unlocked. We do live in New York." Ryan said when I walked out. "You look beautiful." He said, and handed me a red rose.
"Oh, thank you. You look pretty good too." I told him, and gave him a hug. "You're early." I said.
"Yeah. I figured I could help you pick out a photo." He explained.
"How thoughtful of you, but I kind of want to pick this one out on my own. Make it more personal, I guess." I told him.
"Well, I guess we can just get there a little early. I'll buy you dinner." He said.
"Okay, but I'm buying you a drink." I said, and grabbed my purse.

"Wow. This place is really Jive." Ryan said, as we walked into the club.
"Jive?" I asked.
"Yeah, that is my Jazz Talk." He said, and I laughed.
"Okay." I said sarcasticly. We found a small booth that faced the stage and sat down.
"This is a pretty fancy joint. I like it." Ryan said, looking around.
"A Jive Joint?" I asked, mocking him.
"Yeah, you could say that." He said, and we both laughed.
Ryan walked over to the bar and came back with two glasses of white wine.
"I was going to buy the drinks." I told him.
"I just wanted to be a gentleman." He said, handing me my glass.
"Well, thank you." I told him, and took a sip.
We ordered an apitzer and sat and talked for a little while. I saw Tom walk in the back door and I waved. He nodded, set down some equipment, then walked over.
"Hello, hello. I'm Tom." He said, shaking Ryan's hand.
"I'm Ryan, you must be Sam's boss." Ryan said.
"You got it." Tom said, and sat down next to me.
"Are you kids having a good time?" He asked.
"Yes, we are. When do you play?" I asked.
"We play at 8:30. You'll love it...you artsy typs always dig us." Tom said, then turned to Ryan.
"Let me guess...Writer?" He asked. Ryan shook his head. "Ahh. Painter!" He said, and Ryan nodded.
"Yeah, How'd you guess?" He asked Tom.
"I'm just good." Tom said, and stood up. "I've got to set up, but you kids hang around after we play." He said, and waved bye.
"Seems like a fun guy." Ryan said.
"He is. I've never met anyone who had as much energy as him." I said.

Tom's band went on not long after Ryan and I finished eating our food, and drinking our second glasses of wine. Tom was up front next to a tall, thin black man who was Playing Bass. On the other side there was a kind of chubby italian with three or four different kinds of drums sitting in front of him. In the center of the stage there was a baby grand piano with a beautiful exotic looking woman sitting on the bench. She had a micraphone set up to sing into. They started playing, and sounded absolutely amazing. The womans voice was flawless, and gave me chills. I kept watching Tom and how passionatly, almost suductivly, he played his sax. Ryan had his back to the stage, so I had hom come sit next to me in the booth. He put his arm around me, and we quietly watched the band play a few songs.
"Okay, now it's time to liven things up." The singer said. They imediatly started playing a much more jumping sound. I wanted to get up and dance. I watched Tom play and noticed how the blue and purple stage lights glittered and bounced off of his sax. I fished my camera out of my purse and snapped a few photo's of him playing, then a few of the band.

When they were done Tom came over to us and sat down in the booth.
"We always go back to Ariel's place to hang out and have a few drinks. You both are welcome to come out." He said.
"Thanks." I told him.
"I'm going into school early tomorrow to work on an art project. You can go though." Ryan said to me.
"Oh, that's okay." I said, and smiled at him. "Maybe next time." I told Tom.
"Okay, anytime. I'll see you kids later." Tom said, and got up and left.
"You don't have to miss out." Ryan said.
"It's okay. Would you like to walk me home now?" I asked.
"I would love to." He said. We left and he walked me back to my apartment.
"You can come in if you want." I told him as I unlocked my door.
"I finished my roll of film tonight, and I want to develop it. Maybe there will be a picture on here I can use for tomorrow." I explained. We walked in the house, and I walked back to my room.
"I'll be right out, I just want to change real quick." I told him. I changed into some jeans and a black t-shirt, then walked back out.
"How are you going to deveop your film?" He asked me.
"Oh. I made a make-shift dark room out of the small second bedroom. There are no windows, so I just blocked off the cracks with some weather stripping. It's perfect in there." I explained.
"Wow! That is amazing. "Can I watch you work?" He asked.
"Yeah. I have to take the film out in the dark, so let me do that first. Just follow me in and don't move until I get the red light on." I told him.
"Okay." He said.
"Oh shoot! I guess I havn't used all the film. I have two pictures left! Let me take yours real quick." I told him.
"No, that's okay." He said.
"Oh, come on! You're cute..You will make a good subject." I told him. He just smiled, and blushed a little.
"Here, I'll take the one picture with you." I told him, then stood next to him. He put his arm around me and I held my camera out and snapped the photo. When He wasn't expecting it, I snapped one of him.
"Hey, I wasn't ready!" He said.
"Yes you were. It's going to be an awesome picture, you'll see!" I told him. I took his hand and led him into the dark room to develop the film.

8:26 PM  

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