Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven


Blogger Sarah said...

I put together a complete portfolio. I stayed up all night. I was so happy with it. I really wanted to impress Matt. I took a shower and blow dried my hair. I put on some make up. I put on a low cut shirt and a nice black skirt. I looked in the mirror and laughed at myself. I guess I wanted to impress him in every way possible. I grabbed my album and my purse. I was so nervous. I walked out of my apartment and my phone rang. I looked at it as I waved down a cab. I hopped in. "Third and Cameron." I told the driver. "Yes, Daddy?" I asked.
"Hey, babe. Just checking up on you. How's the apartment?" He asked.
"It's good. Thanks." I said.
"You let me know if ANYTHING goes wrong and I will take care of it." He said.
"Sure thing, Daddy." I said.
"Is the apartment big enough?" He asked.
"Daddy, it's fine." I said giggling.
"Just making sure my little girl is happy." He said. "Is it safe there?"
"Daddy, it's very safe. It's perfect. I promise." I said.
"Alright." He said. "I love you. Give your Mother a call soon or I will never hear the end of it."
"Okay. I will. Tomorrow. I might have some great news too." I said.
"That's my girl." He said. "I knew you were the responsible one."
"I will never dissapoint you, Daddy." I said.
"I love you, be safe." He said.
"Always. I love you too." I said.
"Bye." He said.
"Bye, Daddy." I said. I hung up the phone and the cab stopped. I looked out the window and I was right in front of Matt's gallery. I tipped the driver and got out. I was beyond nervous. I walked into the building. There was a young, very beautiful blonde girl at the front desk. "Samantha?" She asked.
I smiled and nodded.
"Mr. Banks will be right with you." She said.
"Bye." I heard a man say. I looked up. Matt was walking in from the back with a women. He kissed her on the cheek and she left. I felt so stupid for letting my self even get the slightest crush on him. Of course he was taken. He was talented and good looking. "My sister, Alise." Matt said as she walked out the front doors.
"Oh." I said letting out a deep breath and smiling. Matt laughed. "Right this way." He said. I followed him behind the desk and through some double glass doors. He lead me down a hallway and into an office. I looked up and his name was on the door. I walked in and he closed the door. "Have a seat." He said. I sat down. My heart started beating even faster. "I really don't think I have to ask you any questions. We talked about so much last night." He said smiling. I smiled and felt myself start to blush.
"You look ravishing." He said.
I giggled. "Thanks."
"Don't start turning shy on me now." He said.
I smiled.
He stood up. "Welcome." He said holding his hand out. I shook his hand. "Thank you so much." I said excited.
He winked at me. "Don't mention it." He smiled and once again my heart melted. I got so nervous that my hands started to shake a little. "Oh I didn't even look at your pictures." He said.
"You could come by later." I said.
He smiled at me. "Oh yeah?"
"I mean. . . if you want you can. I don't really mind either way." I said. "But, if you wanted to look at them. . ."
"How's seven?" He asked.
"Seven is great." I said with a shaky voice.
He laughed. "I will see you then." He said. He stood up and we both went for the door knob at the same time. His hand was on top of mine. I pulled my hand away quickly. "You okay?" He asked.
"Your hand is soft." I said. "Your hand is soft!" I shouted to myself in my head. I was beyond mortified.
"Thanks. I lotion daily." He said.
I let out a very loud high pitched laugh. He looked at me. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.
"I think I am making a complete ass of myself. I swear I don't ussually laugh like that." I said.
He laughed. "It's cute that you're nervous. No reason to be though." He said. "Did I mention how ravishing you look?" He asked as we stepped out to the front desk.
"That right there is why I am suddenly nervous." I said quietly. I started walking away. I looked back at him and he was watching me walk away. I smiled and left. "Oh my god! I am so stupid!" I shouted to myself. The man walking by me jumped. "Sorry." I said. I waved down a cab and went back home. I poured myself a glass of wine. "Boy do I need you!" I said to my glass as I took a sip. I had a couple and realized I was a bit tipsy when there was a knock at the door. "Oh shit." I said to myself giggling. I opened the door. There was Matt standing there looking even more attractive in his jeans and white button up shirt. "You hold the key to my heart." I said pointing at him giggling. He laughed. "Had a bit to drink?" He asked. I can smell the wine on you.
"Maybe." I said.

1:06 PM  

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