Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine


Blogger Sarah said...

Ryan came stumbling out of the bedroom while I was vacuuming. I had forgoten he was even staying with me. I turned off the vacuum. "I am so sorry." I said trying not to laugh as he rubbed his eyes looking totally freaked out. "It's okay." He said.
"I just talked to my Best Friend Gila." I said. "She's coming over."
"Now?" He asked.
"Yes, she is on her way." I said. "She didn't even tell me she was coming. She wanted to surprise me."
"Oh. . . well, shit." He said.
"Yeah take a shower smelly." I joked.
He smiled.
"You can go ahead and take a shower in my bathroom." I said.
"Thanks." He said. He picked up his things and went to my bedroom. I rushed to clean up the apartment. She was ringing the doorbell repeatedly soon after I took out the garbage. "Coming!" I yelled with frustration. "Stop ringing the damn doorbell!" I opened the door and she started screaming as she ran inside and hugged me. "Calm down there little women." I said laughing. She let go of me and started looking around. "Green walls, hu?" She said puting her hand on the wall.
"Yeah. Isn't that weird?" I said.
"Very." She said. "It looks good though. Everything looks great."
"Sam?" I heard Ryan say. We looked up and he was peaking out the bedroom door with wet hair. Gila looked at me smiling. "It's not what it looks like." I told her. She giggled. "Sure." She said.
"Do you have any regular soap? Or do I have to smell like Roses?" He asked.
"Um. . ." I said. "I know I have some regular soap, but I'm not sure where. Let me look." I started walking towards the bedroom. "Whoa." He said when I went to walk in.
"What?" I asked.
"I don't have any clothes on." He said.
"Well get back in the shower then and I'll hand it to you." I said.
He laughed. "Okay. . ." He said. He walked away. I waited a few seconds and walked into the room. I checked the cabinet, then under the sink. "I don't see it." I said.
He peaked out. "It's not that important." He said.
"Oh wait. It could be in my bag." I said. I looked through my bag of toiletries and found a box of soap. "Here." I said handing it to him. He took it from me. "Thank you, Ma'am." He said. I heard him turn the shower back on. I sat down on the toilet. I heard him drop the soap and laugh. "Uh oh. You dropped the soap." I said laughing as I heard it drop again.
"Christ!" He shouted. "I didn't know you were still in here. You scared me!"
I started laughing and couldn't stop. "Shut up or I will splash water on you." He said.
"Do you want to go get something to eat with us?" I asked.
"Sure." He said.
"I can cover it too, so don't worry about it." I said.
"Thanks." He said. "So, how bad was I last night?"
I laughed. "You were fine."
"I was pretty drunk." He said.
"Can I join the party?" Gila asked as she let herself into the bathroom.
"Gila!" I said laughing.
"Let's go." I said standing up.
"Peak." She whispered.
"Don't you dare." Ryan said laughing.
"Okay. Let's do it." I said jokingly.
"Sam, I'm serious. Don't." He said.
"I was kidding." I said.
Gila and I went back out to the living room to wait for him.
"So, who is he?" She asked as she picked up one of my photo albums.
"Just this guy I met. All of his shit was stollen from his place, so I told him he could stay here for a while." I explained.
"Just this guy?" She asked smiling.
"I know he's cute, but I swear it's not like that. He is just a guy I met when I first moved here." I told her.
"So, you havn't kissed him or anything?" She asked. "And you are totally blushing. You are so full of shit it's not even funny."
I laughed. "We kissed a few times. That's it. I like someone else." I said.
"Someone I will get to meet?" She asked as she flipped to the next page in the album.
"I don't know. . ."
She closed the album and set it down on the coffee table. "I better at least get a peak at him." She said.
"Sammy Vanilla, it's happening. You're showing me." She said.
"Shh." I said trying not to giggle.
"What?" She asked.
"Do not say my retarded middle name in front of anyone here." I whispered.
"It's not retarded. It's cool. Better than mine. Everyone and their mothers middle name is Ann. Who else has the middle name Vanilla?" She said.
"Probably someone else in this world and I feel sorry for them." I said.
Ryan walked out of the bedroom. "Her middle name is Vanilla." Gila said.
"Gila!" I said.
Ryan smiled. "Okay." He said.
"See. He could care less." She said picking up her purse. "You two will have to help me bring up my luggage when we get back. I've got four bags."
Ryan and I both gave her a strange look. "What?" She asked. "I didn't know what we were going to end up doing. I needed at least three outfits for any possible occasion."
"Let's go." I said laughing. We all put our coats on and started walking down Houston Street. "This place is awesome." Gila said with a smile as she looked around. I looked at Ryan and he smiled at me. I smiled back and he brushed his hand against mine. I wasn't sure if he did it on purpose or not. "The Day Cafe." Gila said puting her nose up against the window of the cafe with squinting eyes. Ryan laughed. "They have some good sandwiches there." He said.
"You guys want?" She asked. She looked so happy. It made me laugh. "You will have to excuse us. We act like little kids when we are together." I warned him.
"What is the fun in growing up?" She asked smiling as she took my hand and pulled me into the cafe.
"Her, Zena will have a turkey sandwich on white bread." She told the handsome man behind the counter. "And me. . . um, Catwoman, will have a roast beef on rye. Thanks." She smiled and winked at him. Ryan walked up behind us. "You'll have to order for yourself, Yoda." She told Ryan. Ryan laughed. "We'll have a couple waters too." I added. Gila sat down at one of the tables. I looked at Ryan.
"Just a ham and swiss on white." He said.
I paid for our meals and we sat down to wait for them to be made.
"Yoda?" Ryan asked Gila.
"Okay. . . fine. Darth." She said.
"How about nothing Star Wars related?" He said.
"Okay, then we will just call you Spiderman." She said.
"How about Ryan?" He suggested.
"Now that's no fun." She said.
I put my hand on his leg and laughed. "So, what do you think of this cash register boy?" She asked as she turned her head and looked at him. He looked at her and then looked away when she smiled.
"I think he lives too far away from you." I said.
"Ugh. Whatever." She said.
"So, how is David?" I asked her.
"How is Nick?" She asked.
"Good I hope." I said.
"I hope David is good too." She said.
"You and David broke up?" I asked shocked.
"You and Nick broke up!" She said loudly.
"No shit." I said.
"Any good clubs around here?" She asked.
"I don't know. . ." I said.
"I can't even remember the last time we were both single at the same time." She said. "We're going out."
Ryan laughed and she glared at him. "I don't want to go out and party, babe." I told her.
"What?" She asked looking confused.
"Gila, can we talk about this kind of thing later?" I asked her.
"I don't understand. Why are you so fake here?" She said.
"I'm not." I said.
"Then why the sudden change?" She asked.
"Girl, you are talking like I was some party animal or something. I was never like that." I said.
She looked away. She looked hurt and I couldn't figure out why. Maybe she missed David. She took a bite out of her sandwich. "I'm done." She said.
"I'll get a couple boxes. We can finish eating at home." I said. I got us each a box and we packed up our food. Ryan looked uncomfortable. None of us said anything on the walk back. "I'm gonna go read." Ryan said softly.
I smiled and nodded. I put our food in the fridge. "Gila, what's the matter?" I asked her. She sat down on the couch. "Is it David?" I asked as I sat down next to her. She nodded. "I don't wanna talk about it though. I just want to have fun." She said.
"Let's go shopping." I said standing up.
"There are a pair of Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses I've been dying to get." She said.
"Come on." I said. I knocked on Ryan's door. "Yeah?" He asked.
"We're going to go shopping." I told him.
"Have fun." He said.
We started walking down Houston until we reached Avenue A where all of the specialty designer shops were. We hit them all and came home with tons of bags each.
"Now show me the other guy." She said as we were walking back to my place.
"No." I said laughing.
"Sam?" We heard from behind. I turned around and it was Matt.
"Shit." I said as he walked up to us.
"Hey." I said. "Matt, this is my best friend Gila."
"Such a pleasure to meet you." She said smiling really big.
"Where you headed?" He asked.
"Um we went shopping. . ." I said giggling. "Obviously. . . and I just have to grab a coffee for Ryan, then get home."
Gila looked at me confused. I just smiled. "Alright, well I will see you Monday." He said. "Well, a week from this Monday."
"Sounds good." I said. "Bye."
He smiled. "Mind if I walk with you. I could use a cup." He said.
"Oh, we were just going to go to McDonalds real quick." I lied.
"McDonalds for coffee?" He asked.
"Ryan's weird. He says they have the best." I said lying again.
"I guess I can deal with that." He said. We walked down the street to McDonalds and got coffees. "Well, see ya at work." He said smiling, then walked away.
"You just totally lied to him." She whispered.
"Oh hush." I said. "You look way too far into everything."
"Yeah. . . sure I do." She said.
When we walked into the apartment, Ryan was watching tv. "Would you mind grabbing her bags? They are still at the front desk. Oh and here." I said handing him the cup of coffee.
"No problem." He said. "McDonalds?" He asked as he examined the cup.
"Why does everyone have a problem with their coffee?" I asked.
"We ran into Matt." Gila said giggling.
"Oh." He said.
"It wasn't the Matt you know." I told him. I couldn't beleive how much I was lying.
"Oh." He said again.
We went to my bedroom and started going through all the things we bought. I was glad she was in a better mood.
"You like Ryan. You lied to him too." She said.
"Shut up." I said. "Can you still salsa?" I asked her.
"Yeah. I still go to Bry with Jackson." She said.
"I was thinking we could find a salsa club here." I said.
"Oh my gosh that would be so much fun!" She said. "And I can wear my new green dress!"
I laughed. "And I can wear my new black one!" I said.
"All of her bags are at the door!" Ryan shouted. I walked out to him. "Thanks, you're a doll." I told him. "Get changed. You're going dancing with us."
"What? Where? I don't dance." He said.
"There's got to be a salsa club here somewhere." I said. "I am determined to find out where it is."
"I'm not going dancing." He said.
"Yes you are. Go change." I said smiling.

12:40 PM  

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