Thursday, December 07, 2006

Chapter Ten

*Chapter Ten*


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1:10 PM  
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8:58 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

The three of us arived at Mambo New York at 8:00. We walked in and there was a huge dance floor right in the middle. Tables and chairs were scattered around here and there, but hardly anybody was sitting.
"Drink or Dance first?" Gila shouted over the music.
"I say way we DANCE!" I shouted back laughing. Gila waived at a sexy who was standing at the bar. She walked over to him, and they were out on the dance floor not a moment later.
"Wow, that was fast." Ryan said.
"Yeah. She has always been good at picking up guys." I laughed.
"So, lets dance." I said, taking his hand.
"NO! I don't know how to salsa." He said.
"It's easy. I'll show you the basic steps." I told him. I lead him and was amazed how well he did.
"Wait a second, you have definatly danced before!" I told him.
"I swear! I haven't!" He said.
"I don't believe you!" I shouted.
"Okay, okay. My mom would make me go to her dance lessons with her. It was embarassing though." He said, looking away.
"Don't be embarassed! Come on, lets see your moves!" I said, and pulled him out on the floor. We danced for a few songs, and I was absolutely amazed how good Ryan could dance.
"I'm beat! Lets take a break and get a drink." I said, trying to catch my breath.
"Sounds good to me." Ryan said, and followed me to the bar. Gila was already standing there with the guy she met earlier.
"Hey, isn't that Matt?" Ryan asked me as we got closer.
"No." I said. When I looked though, it was him. "Oh my god! It is Matt." I said. Gila saw us, and waived fur us to come over.
"Sam." Matt said, hugging me, and kissing my cheek.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Gila invited me out." He said.
"I found his business card on the counter." She said, and smiled.
"Well, isn't that just great." I said.
"Gila is a good dancer." Matt said, breaking the silence.
"I know, I taught her." I told him.
"You did not!" She said.
"I did too." I told her, and she looked mad.
"Sorry. We'll see you guys around." I said, dragging Ryan to the other end of the bar.
"What was that about?" Ryan asked.
"Gila always does that! She thinks the whole world is about her!" I said, annoyed.
"Why did you lie to me? That is the Matt you ran into earlier." Ryan said.
"I'm sorry. I guess I just- nothing." I said.
"Sam!" He demanded.
"I didn't want to upset you. I guess I like you." I told him.
"If you like me, you shouldn't lie to me." he said.
"I know. I don't know why I did. Sorry." I told him.
"It's okay. So, you really like me?" He asked, and smiled. I blushed. He just laughed.
"It's okay. I kind of like you too." He said.
"Really?" I asked, way too excitedly.
"Really." He said. "Now lets take our drinks and head back over to Matt and Gila. How often to you get to hang out with your best friend in New York?" He asked.
"Okay, okay." I said, and we walked back over. Gila still looked mad. I took her arm and walked over to the corner with her.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you." I told her.
"I'm sorry I called Matt without asking you. He just seemed like a lot of fun." She said.
"I'm sure he is. Lets go enjoy ourselves!" I said, and hugged her. She laughed, and we walked back over to the guys.

The rest of the night Gila would not stop flirting with Matt. I was getting so annoyed with her. I guess I was a little jealous. After a few hours of watching her throw herself all over Matt, I had had enough!
"I'm tired, I'm going home." I said, picking up my purse off the table.
"You can't leave!" Gila said. She was completely wasted.
"YOu know how to get to my place." I told her,
"Fine! Be that way." She said. I just rolled my eyes.
"Goodbye Matt. It was nice seeing you again." I told him.
"Same to you. I'll make sure Gila gets home safely." He said.
"I'm sure you will." I muttered, as I turned to walk away.
"Wait, I'll go back with you." Ryan called after me. I stopped and waited for him to catch up to me, then we headed back to my apartment.
"What is going on?" Ryan asked me when we got inside.
"She just always does this stuff. I guess it shouldn't bother me, but she is just so selfish sometimes! I mean she didn't even tell me she was coming out. And she acts like I've changed or something, I havn't! She has just gotten more selfish, snobby, and childish. I wonder if that is how I would be if I stayed in Orange County." I told him.
"No. You wouldn't be like that." He said.
"How do you know?" I scoffed.
"I just do. You are too good of a person." He said.
"Thanks." I said, smiling.
"Your welcome. I'll sleep out on the couch so she can have the spare bed." He said.
"No. I don't think she'll be coming home tonight. My guess is Matt will drop her off in the morning." I told him.
"Have a little more faith then that." Matt said.
"Oh, I know her, trust me!" I told him, laughing.
"No! I meant have a little more faith in Matt." Ryan said, and we both laughed.
"Well, shall we call it a night then?" I asked him.
"I guess so. I think I might paint for a little bit, if you don't mind." He said.
"No, go right ahead. Just don't make a mess." I told him.
"I won't, I promise." He said.
"What are you going to paint?" I asked him.
"Dancing tonight gave me an idea." He said.
"Oh, I see. Can I watch you?" I asked him.
"Uh, sure I guess." He said.
"Cool. Let me change." I said, and walked back to my room. I put my pajamas on then walked to his room. He was just in his white tshirt and his boxers.
"Okay." I said when I saw him.
"I don't want to get paint on any of my clothes." He explained.
"You just wanted me to see you in your boxers!" I said, laughing.
"Yeah, sure. That's it." he said sarcasticly. I sat down on the bed and watched him paint for at least an hour before I fell asleep.

9:00 AM  

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