Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen


Blogger Sarah said...

I woke up exhausted. My Aunt Liza kept me up too late. I had to drag myself out of bed and into the shower. I got ready for work. As soon as I was ready, I headed out the door. As I reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped onto the sidewalk, Nick was getting out of a cab. I was in shock. I didn't know what to do. "Sam." He said running up to me and hugging me. I started crying. I held him tightly. "Nicky." I whispered trying to breath.
"I had to see you." He said.
"I am on my way to work." I said. "Here." I handed him my key to my apartment. "I will come see you on my lunch break."
"Okay." He said smiling.
I kissed my finger and touched him on the cheek with it. I was dreading on telling him that I was seeing someone new. I walked into work and Matt was standing at the front desk. "Good Morning." He said. I just smiled. All I could think about was Nick. . . and Ryan.
"Hi." I said forcing out a smile.
"Follow me to the back." He said. "You're my new assistant."
I followed him back to his office. "You'll need to fill out all this stuff for your health benefits and all that good stuff." He said handing me a packet. We both sat down at his desk. "I was wondering if you would like to watch and observe when the high school class comes today for a tour." He said. "Our tour guide is Keller. She's about your age."
"That sounds like fun." I said smiling, this time not having to force it out.
"Good." He said. "You never know if we'll need you for that. I'll let you do a tour on your own whenever you feel comfortable."
"Sounds great." I said.
He sighed. "It's going to be difficult to stay professional with you here at work." He said smiling.
I giggled and blushed. "Same here." I said.
He winked at me smiling. "We can do it." He said.
"I'm sure we can." I said. We stared eachother in the eyes. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat and laughed. "So, would you like to help out in the front desk for a few hours before lunch?" He asked.
"Sure." I said. "How long is my lunch?"
"We don't have any standard time. However long you would like to take each day. We all try to keep it within an hour, hour and a half at the most." He said.
"Okay. Thanks." I said.
He walked me out to the front desk and I sat down behind the counter. There was an older lady sitting there. He glasses were very thick.
"This is Em." Matt said. "She fills in when we need her. She works part time."
She looked at me and smiled. "So, you get to learn all the fun front desk tasks, hu?" She said smiling. "It's a peice of cake."
"She's all yours, Ems." Matt told her. He walked away and she totally checked him out and examined his butt. I tried not to laugh. I couldn't wait to tease him about it. "When he looks at me, I swear he is undressing me with his eyes." She said.
I giggled, trying not to burst into laughter. A young, blond girl walked in the door. She was wining to someone on her cell phone. She had on black high heels with such a thin heal, I couldn't imagine how long it took her to walk in them well. "Any calls for me?" She asked Em quietly. Em shook her head no and the girl walked back behind the counter and into the back offices. "That's Keller. One of the tour guides. There is another one you will see walking in looking just like her. Her name is Bevin. She is much more down to earth than Keller." She explained.
Em showed me all the duties of working the front desk. It was all easy and pretty much the same things you do while working any front desk. When we finished there, I went on my lunch break. I walked to my apartment. When I walked in, Nick was watching an episode of Will & Grace and he was laughing really hard. I giggled. That was OUR show. We watched it together all the time since our first date when he bought me the first season on dvd. I sat down next to him and watched the rest of the episode with him. When it was over, he turned off the tv and turned towards me.
"So, are we on a break or are we over for good?" He asked.
I took his hand and smiled. "I don't know if I can answer that. I don't think we should wait for eachother, but I can't say I know whether or not one of us will meet someone else and not be together when I move back home."
"I understand that." He said. "You are welcome to keep your options open, but I will be waiting for you."
I smiled and sighed. "You're the best." I said.
"That is just how much I love you." He said.
"I know." I leaned forward and gave him a kiss. I kissed him for a few minutes and he let go. "Well, my flight back is in five hours and I'm suppose to be meeting some guy for business purposes. When Cal knew I was coming here, he had me go to the business meeting for him." He said.
"I love you." I told him.
"I love you too." He said.
I walked him to the door and he gave me a long hug, then he left. I really did love and still loved him. I didn't think it was right for me to conitnue to see him though while I was away. I thought it was sweet that he was going to wait for me, but I didn't want to keep my hopes up just incase he met someone else.

11:28 AM  

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