Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chapter Fourteen

*Chapter Fourteen*


Blogger Christina said...

Ryan jiggled the keys in the door to his new apartment. After a few trys, it finaly opened.
"Wow. It's, um...It's cute." I told him.
"I know it's kind of small, and bare, but it's perfect for me." He said.
"Okay." I told him.
"You don't like it." He said.
"I just don't see why you have to leave." I told him.
"I'm not leaving! I'm only two blocks away from you!" He said, and kissed me.
"I know. I'm silly. I'm just going to miss you." I told him.
"I'm just two blocks away. You have my phone number. You know where I work. It'll be fine." He told me.
"Okay, okay." I said, and hugged him. He didn't have many things, and we were able to carry all his stuff up in one trip. We piled everything in the living room, and I sat down on the floor.
"You need furniture." I told him.
"I'll get furniture! Just give me some time." He said, and sat down next to me. I made a pouty face.
"Oh stop. You are so cute when you do that." He said, and kissed me.
"I know." I told him. "I can't believe you found a place so fast! We only started dating Friday. It's Sunday." I told him.
"I know. I just don't think living together so soon is a good idea. I mean, we should take things slow. Enjoy each other. Trust me." He said.
"Okay, I trust you." I said, and hugged him. I helped him unpack and the we decided to for a walk to check out his area.
"I guess this place isn't too bad." I said as we walked along the street.
"Nah, it's great. Not as nice as your area, but not horrible." He said, and put his arm around me.
"So, you start your first day tomorrow." He said.
"Yeah, I know! I'm excited." I said.
"That's great! It'll be good for you." He told me. "I've got a lot of stuff going on at school tomorrow. A couple big tests." He said.
"Why havn't you been studying!" I asked.
"I never study. I'm really good at taking tests." He said.
"RYAN!" I scolded.
"Fine! I read over the material tonight." He said. "Okay?"
"Okay. You better." I told him, and slapped his butt.
"Oh! I better or what?" He asked, winking at me. I just started laughing.
"Shut up!" I yelled. "Here, sand here." I told him, moving him in front of me.
"What are you doing?" He asked me.
I put my arms around his shoulder, then Jumped up, lifting my legs in the air. He put his arms around them.
"I want a piggy back ride." I told him.
"Are you five?" He asked me.
"It's fun! Come on!" I told him, and he started running.
"AHHHHHHHHH! DOn't run! You'll drop me!" I shouted.
"I will not." He said, then stumbled over a rock. He caught his balance and set me down.
"See! I told you!" I shouted.
"Yeah, yeah. I didn't drop you."
"You almost did."
"ALMOST! But I didn't."
"Whatever. Lets go see a movie!" I said, and held his hand.

He walked me back to my place after the movie. It was early in the evening and I wanted to get ready for my first day. We said goodbye, and he left so he could study. After he was gone I went to my room to find something to wear for my first day of work. I had no idea what it was I was going to bed doing, so I had no idea what to wear. I just found a pair of black pants and pink button up shirt to wear. After I ironed them, I hung them back up in the closet, then started a bath so I could relax. I had my foot in the nice warm water, about to climb in when there was a knock on my door.
"Darn it!" I said, then took my foot out. I grabbed my robe and walked to the door. I looked in the peephole and Aunt Liza was standing there. I sighed then opened the door.
"Hello dear!" She said, walking right in.
"Aunt Liza, Now is not a good time." I told her.
"Why! What are you doing with that boy?" She asked.
"NO! Ryan moved out." I told her.
"Oh, that is a shame. I kind of liked him." She said.
"He's my boyfriend now." I said.
"Oh good!" She said. I just shook my head.
"What did you need Aunt Liza?" I asked her.
"Just stoping by to say hello! Goodness!" She said.
"I'm sorry. I have a busy day tomorrow. It's my first day at work." I told her.
"Oh, right, right." She said.
"I was just about to take a bath, do you mind?" I asked her.
"Oh not at all! You go right ahead!" She said, and walked to the kitchen.
"I can poor my own wine!" She shouted. I laughed, and shook my head then walked back to the bathroom. I climbed in the warm water, closed my eyes and relaxed. After about ten minutes or so, I got out and dried off then put on some silk pajamas. When I walked out, Aunt Liza was on the couch watching TV.
"There is nothing on." She said.
"There never is." I told her.
"So, big day tomorrow?" She asked me.
"Yeah. Huge!" I told her.
"Come! I'm going to do your nails and give you a facial!" She said, standing up. She took my hand, and lead me back to my bedroom. She walked into the bathroom and started rumaging around. She came out a few minutes later with her arms full of stuff. She dropped everything on the bed, then went back for more. I just laughed at her. She came back out and started to do my nails while we talked. She told me all about when she first moved to New York.

12:28 PM  

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