Monday, December 11, 2006

Chapter Twelve

*Chapter Twelve*


Blogger Christina said...

"I miss you already!" Gila cried while she hugged me.
"I miss you too. You can visit me anytime, okay." I told her, not wanting to let go.
"Okay. You come home soon to see everyone. Promise." She said.
"I swear." I told her, as I let go.
"I guess I should get to the boarding gates." She said.
"Okay. We must look like total idiots." I said, and we both laughed. She gave me one more hug and then I watched her go up the ramp to her terminal. I sighed then turned around. Ryan was laughing at me.
"Shut up!" I told him, and hit his arm.
"Sorry. You two are just too funny." He said.
"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for coming out with me to say goodbye to her." I told him.
"Of course. It was quite amusing, let me tell you." He said, and I kicked him. "OW!"
You deserved it!" I told him, and he laughed. We went outside and took a cab back to the apartment.
When we got home I called and ordered a pizza for dinner. Ryan and I sat down on the couch and I turned on the TV.
"I get paid next week. I'm going to start looking for an apartment around here." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"To move out." He said.
"Oh. Okay." I told him.
"Is that okay?" He asked.
"Yeah. I just like having you around, thats all." I told him.
"You'll still see me." He said.
"I better!" I told him.
"You will." He said, and smiled at me. "So, do you work tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yeah. I told Tom I would keep working weekends for a little while. To be honest I don't think the new job is going to pay much. At least not at first." I said.
"Okay, cool. I'm going to head in to Agnus' studio to work on some paintings." He said.
"How fun." I told him. Just then the doorbell rang.
"Pizza!" I said, and jumped up to get it. Ryan laughed at me. After we ate we decided to go for a walk so I could take some photos.

"Take a picture of that!" Ryan shouted.
"NO! Shhhhh!" I said, trying not to laugh. He was pointing at a couple making out on a park bench.
"Come on! I dare you." He said.
"NO! They will think I'm a total perv!" I said, unable to hold back my laughter.
"So! They will never see you again, who cares!" He said.
"NO, and that is final!" I told him.
"Okay, okay! I give up." He said.
"Good." I told him. He stuck his tounge out at me, then took off running up ahead.
"RYAN! Get back here!" I shouted, walking a little faster. I didn't want to feel dumb running after him. He turned a corner, and I lost track of him.
"RYAN!" I shouted, looking around. I didn't see him anywhere."Ryan, come back! This isn't funny! RYAN!"
"WHAT?" He shouted, jumping out from behind the bushes.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed, and jumped. I turned to run away, but he grabbed me. We were both laughing so hard.
"I HATE YOU!" I shouted, trying to be serious. I couldn't help but laugh though.
"You do not." He said.
"I do too! You suck!" I said.
"I do not! Come here." He said, and turned me around so I was facing him.
"What?" I asked.
"This." He said, and kissed me. I stopped and looked in his eyes.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said, and smiled, then kissed him back.
"GET A ROOM!" We heard someone shout. We both turned to look and there was an old homeless man staring at us and shaking his fist. We both started laughing, then Ryan took my hand and we ran through the park.
"SLOW DOWN!" I shouted after a little bit.
"Sorry." Ryan said, stopping.
"That was crazy back there." I said, laughing.
"Yeah. I'm afraid of homeless people." He said, and I laughed.
"No, I'm serious! They terify me."
"What? You are kidding. They are harmless." I told him.
"No, they are crazy and smelly." He said, and it made me laugh some more.
"Shut up! It's not funny!" He said.
"Then why are you laughing?" I asked him. He just glared at me and it made me laugh even harder.
"Fine, I'm not kissing you anymore!" He said.
"HEY! Why not?" I asked.
"You want me to kiss you more?" He asked, and I felt myself blush.
"NO!" I said.
"Then why are you blushing. You want me to kiss you!" He said. This time I glared at him and he laughed.
"So what if I do?" I asked him. He just smiled, walked over and kissed me. We made out for a few minutes then decided to head home when the sun was going down. He held my hand the whole way back.

"I'm going to chill out in my room tonight." He said when we got home.
"Aw, why?" I asked.
"Because, I want to be a gentleman." He told me.
"You sure?" I asked him.
"Yeah. I don't want to make things awkward while I still live here." He told me.
"If you insist." I said, and walked up to him. "One more?" I asked, and he smiled.
"One more." He whispered and kissed me again. After a few minutes he stopped, and hugged me, then went to his room and shut the door. I heard him shuffle through his canvases. It sounded like he was going to paint. I sighed, slightly disapointed. I was really starting to like him.

I was back in my room looking at photos when there was a knock at the front door. I got up to answer it, and was shocked at who was standing there.
"Aunt Liza." I said.
"Yes dear, I came by to check on you." She said, and hugged me. I just stood there.
"Well, can I come in?" She asked. You could tell Aunt Liza came from money! She loved to flaunt it. She was wearing a fur coat and had all her nice jewelry on.
"Yes, come on in." I told her. I remembered Ryan was there. I hadn't told my dad or Aunt knowing they would not be happy about it. I heard Ryan knock something over in the spare room.
"What was that?" Aunt Liza asked.
"Oh, that was-" I started to say.
"You better not have any pets in here!" She said. "No cats or dogs are going to ruin this nice furnature!" She said.
"No! It isn't a pet. It's a-" I started to say, when Ryan opened up the bedroom door and steped out.
"A boy!" Aunt Liza exlaimed.
"A boy." I sighed. "A Ryan, actualy. Ryan, this is my Aunt Liza." I introduced.
"Hello. Nice to meet you." He said. "I'd shake your hand, but-"
"But, you are messy and covired in paint. Oh god Sam, why did you have to bring home an artist." She said.
"Aunt Liza!" I shouted.
"What?" She asked.
"That was rude." I told her.
"No, it was the truth. Ryan just looked at me. He looked awkward.
"Aunt Liza, his apartment was broken into and he was robbed. I'm letting him stay here for a little while." I explained to her.
"Are you sleeping with him?" She asked.
"NO!" Ryan and I both said at the same time.
"Oh, he's gay! That is a relief." she said.
"NO!" Ryan and I both said again.
"Aunt Liza, he is a gentleman. We are not sleeping together. He's my friend." I told her.
"Okay, okay. I believe you." She said. Ryan and I both breathed a sigh of relief.
"Would you like some tea or coffee?" I asked her.
"Wine please." She said, taking off her coat and handing it to me. I hung it up in the closet, then opened a bottle of wine in the kitchen. I heard her order Ryan to clean up, and I laughed. I came out with the coffee and poured her a glass of wine at the table.
"Thank you dear." She said. "Sorry to be hard on you like that. I was just a bit shocked." She said.
"It's okay. You aren't going to tell dad are you? He will throw a fit." I said.
"No, no! Of course not!" She said, and I laughed.
"Thank you." I told her.
"He's cute." She said, and sipped her wine. I blushed. "Well, it looks like you think so too." She said, and I giggled.
"He seems nice enough. Don't let him break your heart." she told me.
"I won't." I told her.
"Good girl." She said, and pinched my cheek.
"OW!" I said, and she laughed at me. Ryan came out a minute later and had all the paint rinsed off of him. We spent a couple hours talking about school, my new job, and other things. When it was starting to get late, and Aunt Liza was starting to get a bit drunk, we called her a cab so she could head out. She said she would stop by soon to see me, hugged me, pinched Ryan's butt, then headed down the elevator.
"Wow." I said, shutting the door. I looked at Ryan and laughed when I saw his face.
"What?" I asked him.
"That was weird." He said, looking kind of confused.
"Yeah." I said, and laughed.
"She pinched my butt." He said, and I laughed even harder.
"Are you jealous?" He asked, winking.
"NO!" I shouted.
"Yes you are! You want to pinch my butt too!" He said, turning around and bending over.
"I DO NOT!" I said again, and kicked him in the butt.
"HEY! That was not a pinch." He said, turning around. I just laughed and he started chasing me around the apartment.

12:40 PM  

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