Friday, December 29, 2006

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Five


Blogger Sarah said...

I felt my phone vibrating under my pillow. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It was 3am. I grabbed the phone and saw that it was Nick calling. I threw my robe on over my naked body and rushed out to the balcony. I peaked back in at Johnny and he was sound asleep. "Nick?" I asked as I answered the phone. I sat down one of the chairs.
"Hey." He said quietly.
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. I was just thinking about you." He said. "I had to talk to you."
I giggled. "How are you doing?"
"Good. Missing you." He said.
"I miss you too." I told him.
"Dating anyone yet?" He asked.
"Um, kind of." I said. "I'm not really sure what we are."
"Just going on dates?" He asked.
"Sleeping together?"
"What's he like?" He asked.
"He skates."
"Cool. Anyone you could see yourself falling for?" He asked.
"Maybe. I'm not really sure. He still lives with his parents." I said.
"How old is he?"
"He's only nineteen." I said.
He laughed. "What?"
"It's not like he's thirty. I can definatly tell he's younger, but he's really sweet." I said.
"Is he there?" He asked.
"Yeah. . ."
"I wish I was there." He said.
"I know, hun."
"Still love me more than anything else in this world?" He asked.
"Yeah. You're still on top." I giggled.
"I havn't met a Nick replacement." I said.
He laughed. "I hope not."
"I'm glad you called." I said.
He sighed. "Goodnight, beautiful."
"Goodnight." I said.
He hung up. I leaned back in the chair and sighed. I heard something hit the sliding door and it made me jump. I got up and opened the door. Johnny was standing next to it. "I'm gonna head out." He said.
"Awww why?"
"I'm only nineteen and I still live with my parents." He said.
I sighed.
"It's okay." He said grabbing his shoes.
"No." I said ripping one of his shoes out of his hand. I turned the lights on. "What am I to you?" I asked.
He shrugged his shoulders.
"Johnny. . ."
"You're hot." He said. "You're a fun girl and I really like hanging out with you."
"Is that it?" I asked.
"Right now, yes." He said. "I'm sorry."
"I didn't mean to upset you." I said stepping closer to him.
"What am I to you?" He asked.
"Same." I said smiling. I untied my robe and pulled it loose. I let it slip off me onto the floor. He took his shirt off and put his arms around me. "I swear I won't be living with my parents as soon as I can save up enough money to get a condo or something." He said.
I smiled. "It's no problem."
He leaned down and kissed me. He pulled me onto the bed and rolled over on top of me. He took the rest of his clothes off and we had sex again. "Was that the fifth or sixth time?" I asked giggling.
He laughed. "I'm not sure."
I rolled over and rested my head on his chest. He reached over and turned off the lamp. We both fell back asleep.
I woke up the next morning in his arms. I sighed and sat up. "I don't feel like going to work." I said.
"Then don't."
I giggled. "I have to."
He grabbed me and pulled me on top of him. "I have to." I told him again.
He sighed. "Alright." He gave me a kiss and let go of me. I climbed out of bed and put my robe on. "You're welcome to stay here." I said.
"I have to go into work with my Dad at noon, so I won't stay too much longer." He said.
"Okay." I smiled. I hopped in the shower, then got ready for work. When I went in, I walked into Matt's office, him and some girl were arguing. They were screaming at eachother. The girl started crying and stormed out the door pushing me into the wall. "Oh my god, I am so sorry." Matt said hugging me.
"I didn't mean to interupt." I said.
"She's my ex girlfriend, Lisa." He said letting go of me. "We were going to try to work things out, but I don't think that is going to happen." He sat down at his desk. He looked really frustrated. "I think I am going to go home. I can't even think right now." He said.
I walked up behind him and started rubbing his shoulders. He tilted his head to the side and cracked his neck. "Thank you." He sighed.
"If you go home, does that mean I get to go home too?" I asked.
He laughed. "Yeah, you can go home."
"Really? I was just kidding." I said.
"Yeah really." He said.
"Cool, cause Johnny's at my place." I said.
"Oh, go back home then." He laughed.
"Do you want to grab some breakfast?" I asked.
"Nah." He said. "I just feel like going back to bed."
"Well, if you need anything, or if you want to talk, let me know." I said. "I'm available 24/7."
He put his hand over mine. "Thanks." He said.
"You're welcome." I said smiling.
"Alright now go get back to your man." He said.
I giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "See you tomorrow."
"Bye." He said.
I rushed back to my apartment. I went to my bedroom. Johnny was already gone. "Damnit." I said as I plopped myself back on the bed. I heard my front door open, then I heard rummaging in the kitchen. I tip toed towards the kitchen and jumped when I was Johnny going through the cabinets. "May I help you?" I asked. He jumped and put his hand over his chest. "What the hell." He said.
"I don't have to work today." I said.
"I'm looking for a vase." He said.
"Because I bought you a dozen roses. It was suppose to be a surprise." He said.
I looked over and saw them laying on the kitchen table. "Awww." I said walking over to them. "And they're yellow." I said as I smelled them.
"Yeah. I figure everyone always gets red." He said.
"Johnny, that is so sweet." I said.
He blushed and smiled. "Yeah, well. . ."
I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "I wanted to do something nice." He said.
"I love them." I said.
We looked for a vase and I found one in the hutch in the living room. He cut the stems and put them in the vase with water. "Can you get out of working with your Dad?" I asked smiling as I pulled him onto the couch with me.
He nodded and started kissing me. I giggled. "You are so cute!" I shouted.
He laughed. "I am pretty cute."

9:35 AM  

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