Thursday, December 21, 2006

Chapter Nineteen


Blogger Sarah said...

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12:57 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I got up and jumped in the shower as soon as my alarm went off. I got ready and got into work early. Matt was just getting there when I walked in. He put his arm around me. "Everything okay?" He asked.
I smiled and nodded.
"Good." He said. "You're going to assist Bevin with a tour of the place. An art school will be coming in around noon."
"You up to it?" He asked.
He laughed. "You know I would have loved to stop by last night."
"I know. I'm sorry about puting you in that position though." I said. "And I am also very sorry to tell you that I went back to the dance club."
He looked at me with big eyes.
"Yeah. I know. Bad idea. I promise I won't do that again." I said.
"And you met someone there?" He asked. "Please be careful. That is a really bad area."
"I know. It was a bad idea." I said. "I didn't meet anyone there though. I met someone on the subway."
"Oh wow." He said. "And your Ryan friend thought I had spent the night with you."
I rolled my eyes and he laughed. We sat down in his office and talked until Bevin came in. "Good Morning." She said as she took her sunglasses off of her face. She sighed. "What'll it be today, Matthew?" She asked. "Em said I'd be doing a tour again. Is Keller legless?"
"Bevin." Was all he said.
She smiled. "Sure, I'll do it."
"You'll take Sam along with you." He told her. She looked at me. "Is your real name Samantha?" She asked.
"Alright, Samantha." She said. "Follow me."
"Have fun." Matt said as we walked out of his office. I followed her to a locker room. "We have to wear these hidious vests." She said as she opened a locker. "Did Matt tell you your locker number yet?"
"No." I said.
"Em's is 2, mine's 4 and Keller's is 1. You can have 3." She said.
"Okay." I said.
She took a vest out of her locker and handed it to me. "You look about my size. It should fit." She said. "And I will have to make you a name tag."
I put the vest on and it fit. It was just a plain black one. They were tight and a lot more stylish than I had pictured. She looked at me and smiled. "Cute." She said. "Holy shit. I am blinded." She grabbed my hand and stared at the ring on my finger. It was the ring my father had given me for my sixteenth birthday. It was 14K yellow gold and it had a hear shaped red ruby in the middle. "How much was this?" She asked.
"I don't know." I said pulling my hand away from her. "It was a gift."
"I asked for one of those for my birthday last year. It was seven hundred dollars. My Mom said no fuckin' way." She said. "I am so jelous."
"Oh." I said. I didn't know what to say and to me that wasn't a lot of money for a ring.
"Where are you from?" She asked.
"California." I said.
"Beverly Hills?" She asked.
I laughed. "No."
"Oh. I thought you were rich or something." She said.
I just smiled.
"Where in California then?" She asked.
"Newport Beach." I said.
Her eyes got huge. "Wow." She said.
"Yeah. Beverly Hills is like an hour away." I said.
She just stared at me. I didn't say anything. "What the hell are you doing here when you live in such a beautiful place?" She asked.
"Just trying to make it as a photographer." I said. "Try something new."
She shook her head. "I like you." She said pointing at me. "A lot of times people think I am rich, but I am so far from it."
"You do appear to be." I said.
"Really?" She asked excited.
"Yeah. Keller too. I seriously thought you both had money." I said.
"Cool!" She shouted smiling really big.
I smiled. "Do you know where the good place to shop here are?"
"Yes." She said.
"Awesome. You'll have to show me some time." I said.
"How about this weekend?" She asked smiling as she grabbed my hands and jumped in the air.
"Sure." I said, not nearly as excited as her.
"Okay, let's go make your name tag." She said. I followed her back into a big storage area. She sat down and pulled out a button maker. She made me one with my name on it. It looked cute. She pinned it onto my vest. "Now we can go grab a quick lunch before the tour." She said smiling.
"Okay." I said.
"I bet you'd love the little french cafe on Carlsbad." She said. "Let's go there."
"Okay." I said.
We hopped on the subway and got off at Carlsbad Drive. We went to the french cafe. It was a really cute little place. The food was amazing. "I can get it." I said as I handed my debit card to the waitress. "Thanks." Bevin said.
"You're welcome." I smiled.
We packed up our leftovers and went back to work. I put my food in Matt's small fridge and we went to the lobby to wait for the class to come. I was excited. I was making a lot of new friends and I was really starting to like the big city. As the high school students walked into the building, I observed Bevin as she introduced us and started the tour. I found several of the male students attractive and I noticed Bevin smiling at them. I stood in the back as she explained one of the paintings in the hallway. She looked at me and smiled. "Right this way is where we have all of our art in piles and piles. A lot of students send us their art hoping we will display them. As you see, we get a lot. But we do reply to each and every person who submits something and we try to have each one displayed at one time or another." She told them. "Right here to the left is a dark room. I'll let you check it out. It's pretty cool." She said. She opened the door and let them all walk through it and look around. "Wait till you see where all the editing is done. Those editors are so moody. One of them is really hot though. His name is Jess." She said quietly to me.
I giggled. "This is awesome. I can't wait to get familiar with everything that goes on here." I said.
"It's all pretty amazing." She said. "You'll get a chance to be a part of it all too. I wrote a small article last year. I was so excited when I read it in the magazine."
I began to get even more excited. I felt like I had so many neat oportunities here. I couldn't wait to learn about it all. That day at work was long and busy. I was so glad to get out of there. When I got home, I layed down on my couch and my phone rang. "Damnit." I said to myself. I picked up my phone. "Princess, you got into the emergency money. Are you okay?" My Dad asked sounding concerned.
"Daddy, I'm fine. I just had to help out a friend." I explained. "All of his things were stolen from his apartment."
"Make sure he pays you back." He said. "You don't want to be out that money."
"I know." I said. "He will."
"You havn't called your mother." He said.
"I forgot." I said. "I will tomorrow."
"Okay." He said.
"Promise." He said.
"I promise, Daddy." I said.
"Okay, well I gotta get back to my meeting." He said. "It looks like it's going to be an all nighter."
He laughed. "It pays the bills."
"Goodnight." I said.
"Goodnight." He said.
I hung up the phone. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I decided to call Johnny.
"Hey, it's Sam." I said.
"Hi." He said. "How are you?"
"I'm good."
"I was just thinking about you." He said.
"What are you up to?" I asked.
"Drinking at the park." He laughed.
"What park?" I asked.
"It's actually a school. We're hanging out in the playground." He said.
"Can I come hang out?" I asked.
"Really?" He asked.
I giggled. "Yeah."
"Sure!" He said. "Hop on the subway and go past the stop for that dance place, get off on Dobins. I will wait for you at the station."
"Okay." I said.
"Dress warm. It's a little chilly out." He said.
"Okay, see you soon!" I said.
"Alrighty." He said. "Bye."
"Bye!" I said and hung up.
I changed into some jeans and my black Corona hoodie. I touched up my makeup, grabbed some cash and headed out. It took me a half hour to get to the Dobins stop. Johnny was standing there right where I got off. He gave me a hug when I walked up to him. He took my hand as we walked up to the school. It was cute. There was a group of four guys and a girl sitting on some bleachers drinking beer. "Everyone, this is Sam." He told them. They all looked up at me. The girl jumped up and shook my hand. "I'm Jessica, nice to meet you." She said. Jessica was tall and thin. She was very pretty.
"That's Kenny, Mike, Danny and Roger." He told me.
"Danny's my boyfriend." Jessica said as he put his arm around her. Danny had his nose peirced and he wore black eyeliner. For the first time, I thought the black eyeliner was hot. He was definatly able to pull it off. Mike had a snake tattood on the side of his neck and he had a Blink-182 baseball cap on. Roger was just wearing a dark blue beanie, a green sweatshirt and jeans. He was more my type than the other guys. He looked more clean cut and not as much of a bad boy. At least I thought that, until he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it up. I giggled and looked at Johnny. I decided Johnny was more my type at that moment. Johnny and I sat down on the bleachers. He opened a beer and handed it to me.
"So, Steve's on Saturday. You all goin?" Mike asked.
Johnny looked at me. "You wanna go?" He asked.
I just shrugged my shoulders. He put his arm around me. "I'm not sure." He answered.
"I'll be there." Roger said.
I listened to them talk for about an hour. I was freezing. "We're gonna get going." Johnny said standing up. He took my hand as I hopped down to the ground from the bleachers.
"Alright." Roger said.
"Hope to see you guys at Steve's place." Jessica said smiling. She jumped down and gave Johnny a hug. "Bye." She said.
"Bye." I said. We walked along the playground to some lockers along a brick wall. He grabbed my hand and threw himself into the lockers, pulling me into him. I laughed. He put his arms around me and started kissing me. He stopped after about a minute. "You can come over to my place if you want." He said.
"How about tomorrow night?" I asked. "I have to work in the morning, so I should probably get home soon."
"Okay." He said smiling.
I smiled back at him and giggled. He took my hand. "I'll walk you to the subway." He said.
"Thanks." I said.
"I know how you get freaked out at night." He said.
I laughed. "Hush."
He laughed and squeezed my hand.
"So, me staying overnight tomorrow. You live with your parents right?" I asked.
"Yeah. But, it's fine. I've had girls over before." He said. "Not like that." He laughed. "I just mean they don't care if I have girls in my room. My room is the basement. I ussually go in the basement door anyway instead of the front door."
"Oh okay." I said.
He gave me a hug and waited a few minutes with me until the subway pulled up. "Goodnight." I told him smiling. He gave me a kiss and waved. I got on the subway. I watched him walk away. I couldn't wait to see him again!

3:44 PM  

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