Monday, December 18, 2006

Chapter Sixteen

*Chapter Sixteen*


Blogger Christina said...

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11:26 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

"Sam. SAM!" I jumped when I heard my name.
"Sam, are you okay?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah, sorry." I told him.
"You seem distracted."
"I guess I am." I told him, and half smiled.
"What is it?" He asked. We were laying on his matress on the floor. We had just gotten back from eating and decided to hang out at his place for a little while.
"My ex, Nick, surprised me today." I told him.
"What did he do?"
"He showed up at my place this morning." I told him.
"Oh." Ryan said, looking away and sounding disapointed.
"He left early this evening. It just completely caught me off guard." I explained.
"Are you having second thoughts?" He asked.
"Just tell me if you are." He said.
"Second thoughts about what?" I asked.
"About me. Well, us." He said.
"No, Ryan! I'm not having second thoughts. I like you, a lot. I was just shocked to see Nick, thats all." I told him.
"Okay." He said.
"You don't believe me, do you?" I asked.
"No, I do. I'm sorry." He said, and kissed my hand. Then he looked at me, and leaned over and kissed me. I stopped almost imediatly.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I don't know." I told him.
"You still love Nick." He said.
"Yeah." I told him.
"Come on, I'll walk you home. It sounds like you have some things you need to think about." He said.
"Okay, thanks." I told him, and stood up. We walked to my apartment, and hardly said a word. I felt bad, but he was right. I had some things I needed to think about, and some decisions to make. When we got up to my apartment, we kissed goodbye, and then he left. I locked my door and let out a sigh.
"Well Sam, what'll it be." I said out loud. I turned on my stereo, and layed down on the couch. I started thinking about Nick, and Ryan. I really did want to give Ryan a chance, but I was worried that somewhere along the line I would want to be with Nick again. And what if I did move back home, and things ended up getting serious with Ryan? I was so confused. I also didn't want to miss out and a great relationship with Ryan. The more I thought about it, I started to feel kind of silly. I mean, things with Ryan and I had just started to develope. It wasn't like we were getting married or something. I laughed at the thought. I picked up my phone and almost called Ryan, but I figured I should wait and call him the next day.

"Good Morning New Yorkers!" The morning radio personalty shouted over the radio. I had it set to go off at 6:00am. I yawned, and got up to get ready. I found an outfit, got dressed, and did my hair and make-up. It was 7:30 by the time I was finished. I rushed down stairs and then to the subway to ride into work. When I got there I walked to the front desk and Em had a message for me to go see Matt. My heart fluttered a little, and I had to fight not to smile. I walked into his office and his back was turned, he was on a phone call. He turned and saw me and motioned for me to come in and sit. He politely ended the call, then sat down on the corner of his desk in front of me.
"Good morning." He said.
"Morning." I told him.
"So, I have some good news. Well, good news for you." He said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Gerry Mitchel is one of our senior photographers for the magaizne. He as a young man that working for him as an assistant, and learning to shoot photos and such for the magazine. However, it seems his young student has created quite a fuss over some comments he made at the last photo shoot, and we had to let him go. I told Gerry it was no problem, we had a replacement. You." He said.
"ME?" I asked.
"Yes, you. Don't worry, you won't be in the studio. We'll start you off taking photos on the street for small articles and stories we'll be running for next months issure. Gerry will be here shortly to pick you up." Matt told me.
"Wow. This is amazing." I told him.
"I know. Looks like you just got lucky." He said. Just then there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." Matt said. "Gerry Mitchel! Good to see you buddy." Matt stood up and shook Gerry's hand. Gerry was a shorter then Matt, only a little taller then me. He looked a few years older then Matt. I'm not sure if he was, or if it was just an illustion given by his unshaven face, and messy hair under his yankees hat.
"Gerry, this is Sam, your new assistant." He said.
"Hot. But can she take pictures, run errands, and do paperwork?" He asked.
"Um, yes she can. She can aslo hear and speak, Gerry." Matt said.
"Sorry. I'm just tired of getting complete idiots." Gerry replied.
"Okay, then. Sam, you can go ahead and go with Gerry. And good luck." Matt said, and then sighed. I looked at Gerry, and he didn't seem to thrilled with the idea that I was his assistant. I followed him out the door and up to the second floor and into his office.
"This is my office. Consider it your new home." Gerry said. His office was a complete mess.
"You go ahead and get yourself familiar with everything. There is a dark room and photo lab down the hall on your left. The studio is on the right, I suggest you stay out of the studio." He said. I just nodded.
"I thought Matt said you could speak." Gerry told me.
"I can." I told him.
"Then you should." He said. I just looked at him. I wasn't sure what to say.
"Anyway, I'll be back in about an hour." He said, and left.
"Okay. What an ass." I said to myself after he left. I looked around, and everything was so disorganized. I decided it couldn't hurt to clean up his office a little bit. It was big. Big enough to have a table with 8 chairs around it. I assumed that was for working on projects and such. I walked around and started by putting things in piles. It didn't take me long to get some sort of order in the room. Gerry's one hour turned into two, and before he returned I had the whole office completely cleaned up and organzed. I sat down on a sofa that was on one of his walls and took a deep breath.
"You are not being paid to sit." Gerry said, walking in. He was holding a cup of coffee in one hand, and reading a paper in the other.
"Sorry. I just finished cleaning up and thought I could use a break." I told him.
"Thats nice, but-" He stopped and looked around. "You cleaned." He said.
"Um, yeah. You'd be amazed at what a little organization can do." I told him.
"You CLEANED!" He shouted, and I jumped.
"Uh, yes. Was that not okay?" I asked him.
"NO! I knew where everything was! Now you ruined it all." He said.
"I hardly think I ruined everything. I'll explain it to you." I told him.
"NO! That's enough. Come with me. We're going to your first assignment!" He shouted. I just followed him down to the photo lab. He grabbed two cameras and several rolls of film from a closet, packed them up in a bag, and handed me the bag.
"You get to carry all the stuff." He said.
"Fantastic." I said, in a not so thilled voice. I could tell it was going to be a long day!

2:32 PM  

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