Thursday, January 25, 2007

Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Forty-Four


Blogger Sarah said...

Stumbled into my apartment and thew my bags on the floor. My phone rang as soon as I layed back on the couch. "Yes?" I asked, answering the phone.
"Damn girl, you have no idea how much I've missed you."
It was Ryan. I had missed him too. I giggled. "Come over." I said.
"I'm on my way." He said and hung up. I set down the phone and reached for the remote. It was too far away and I didn't feel like getting up. "Damnit." I said. I decided to call Nick and my Mom to let them both know I made it home safely. As soon as I got off the phone with Nick, Ryan was pounding on the door. I opened it and he came running in. He picked me up and hugged me tightly. It made me laugh. "You are like my only friend here. I've been so bored." He said.
I smiled. "Well, I'm back."
"Well duh." He said.
"Shut up."
"Come on. There's a Married With Children Marathon on." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the couch. He turned on the tv. "I've been watching all morning." He said.
He put his arm around me and I leaned back on his shoulder. "So, how was the trip?" He asked.
I sighed.
"That bad?"
"Well, Nana's death wasn't the only drama back home." I said.
"What happen?"
"Johnny and I broke up. He's moving in with my brother back in California. And Nick and I. . . well. . . we're sorda seeing eachother." I explained.
"See there for a second, I thought you were going to say you are now single and we can goof around all we want." He said smiling.
I giggled. "We can still goof around."
"No we can't. You are practically married." He said.
"Yeah right!" I yelled.
"Whoa. Chill little woman. Chill." He said.
"I'm not ready to be married." I said.
"Okay. . ."
I slowly put my hand onto his side, then started to tickle him. He laughed and flipped me onto my side and tackled me. "Ahh! You are such an ass!" I shouted laughing.
"You started it!" He said. We were both laughing really hard. I managed to squeeze my way out of his arms quickly and ran to my bedroom. I tried to close the door on him, but he was too close behind me. I ran and jumped onto my bed and he jumped on top of me. There was an awkward silence when we both realized how close our lips were to eachother. We both stopped laughing. "She has a boyfriend." He said quietly.
He jumped up. "Just reminding myself that you have a boyfriend."
I giggled.
"You really love that guy hu?" He asked.
"I really LIKE that guy. And you can call him Nick." I said.
"Whatever." He said.
"It's great to be back." I said.
"I'm glad you're back. Soooo glad. You have no idea." He said.
I sighed. "Back to work tomorrow."
"Don't tell me you don't miss studly Matt." He said.
I laughed. "I do miss those abs and those arms."
He rolled his eyes. "So, that's what I need. . ." He said.
I picked up a pillow off my bed and threw it at him. He just laughed and threw it back. I was amazed at how much more normal things seemed in New York. I started to think about it and I was actually very excited to go back to work!

11:31 AM  

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