Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Blogger Sarah said...

"Breakfast!" I heard Lucille shouting through the intercom. I sighed and climbed out of bed. I didn't feel like dealing with anybody at that moment. I sat down at my windowsil and looked out the window. I picked up my phone and called Gila.
"Chris?" She mumbled.
"No. Sam." I said.
"Sam?" She asked.
"Hey." She said.
"Did you hear about Nana?" I asked her.
"No. . ."
"She died. I'm in town. I brought my boyfriend and every day here has been shitty." I said trying not to cry again.
"Oh my god." She said. "When did she die?" I heard her start to cry and I felt horrible for not telling her sooner.
"A few days ago. It was unexpected." I said.
"When is the funeral?" She asked.
I started crying. I couldn't hold it back anymore. "Gila, I'm so sorry." I sobbed.
"It's not your fault." She said.
"No. The funeral already happen." I said.
"Sam, why didn't you tell me?" She asked.
"Please just come rescue me." I said wiping my eyes.
I heard her sniffling.
"Please." I said again.
"How is your Mom?" She asked.
"Everyone is fine. It pisses me off that they are all fine!" I shouted.
"I'll be there in an hour." She said.
"Bye." She said and hung up.
"Samantha! Breakfast!" Dad shouted through the intercom.
I walked over to it and pushed the button for the kitchen. "I'm not hungry." I said. I rushed to my bathroom and turned on the shower.
"Samantha, you're eating. Get your butt down here. I don't care if you eat one roll. You are eating SOMETHING." I heard Mom say. I undressed and hopped in the shower. It took me about an hour to get ready. I packed a few things in my red tote bag, slipped on my favorite pair of Juicy Couture sandles and headed downstairs. I ran into my Mother at the bottom of the steps. She had a very angry look on her face. "Gila's on here way to pick me up. We'll grab something to eat before we go out anywhere." I told her.
Johnny came walking out from the dining room. Mom looked at him, glared at me and then made her way up the stairs. "You coming to the tournemant?" He asked.
There was a knock at the door. "No." I told him. I walked to the door and opened it. "Hey!" Gila said smiling. She walked in and gave me a hug. "You guys ready to go?" Jaime shouted as he came walking down the stairs quickly. "Gila's going too?" He asked.
"Huh?" She asked.
"To the skateboard tournemant." Jaime said. "Johnny's in it."
Gila got a very confused look on her face.
"She's not goin, man." Johnny said.
"Oh come on." Jaime said. "We had a few drinks, said some things we shouldn't have. It's a new day. We're all sober and we're all happy."
"Do I look happy to you?" I asked him.
"You should be happy." Jaime said.
"We can go to the tournemant if you want." Gila said.
I shook my head and started crying. "I don't want to." I sobbed.
"Screw the fucking tournemant." Johnny said. He stormed upstairs, pushing Jaime to the side.
"You wanna fill me in on what's goin' on here?" Gila said.
Jaime looked at her and sighed. "Sam, go talk to him." He said gazing his eyes towards me.
Anna came walking in the front door. It was obvious she had just got back from jogging. She had her iPod shuffle clipped to her tiny baby blue jogging shorts, she was sweating profusely and her breathing pattern made it sound like she was about to die. She pulled her headphones out of her ears. "Hey everyone." She said as she leaned over frontwards placing her hands on her bent knees. I walked up the stairs slowly and went to the guest room Johnny was staying in. He was laying on the bed face down with his head buried in the pillow. "Johnny?" I asked. He turned towards me.
"It would be silly of you to skip the tournemant." I said.
He sighed. "And why is that?"
"If there was a big art show going on instead, wouldn't you want me to be there with my best photo?" I asked.
"If it was important to you, then yes." He said.
"I know that this tournemant is important to you." I said.
"Yeah well, I'm not going." He said.
"Why?" I asked. "Just because you're upset with me?"
"I'm not upset with you." He said.
"Yes you are." I said.
"The only thing that is upseting me right now is the fact that you aren't coming to watch me." He said.
I walked over to the bed and sat down. "You don't need me there. I'll probably just make you screw up, because I'll put you in a bad mood." I said.
He sat up. "What's going with us?" He asked.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Well, I am sorry for everything I have done on this trip to upset you." He said. "I'm just trying to do the right thing. I'm trying to fit in with your family."
"I think that's humanly impossible." I said.
"Yeah, it is. I've realized that." He said.
There was a long silence. He stood up. "Please come. Bring Gila. Bring Nick. Bring whoever you want, but please just come. I really do need you there." He said.
I nodded and stood up. "And PLEASE sneak into my room tonight." He whispered.
I smiled and nodded. He gave me a hug. "I'm really sorry." He said.
"I know." I said.
"Are we okay?" He asked.
"Yeah." I told him, not really sure if I was telling the truth or not.
He smiled and gave me a kiss. He started to walk away and I pulled him back up to me. I put my arms around him and started kissing him. "Close the door." I whispered. "And lock it."
"You sure?" He asked as he tucked a peice of my bangs behind my ear.
"Yeah." I said softly.
He walked over to the door and closed it, then locked it. "You sure?" He asked again.
"Yes." I giggled.
He smiled. "Alright."

12:30 PM  

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