Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Six


Blogger Christina said...

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I did! Sam, please come out of there!" I heard Johnny yell through the bathroom door. I had locked myself in when we got back.
"Just tell me what is wrong." He added.
"You should know!" I screamed back at him. "Just leave me a lone! I'll come out later."
"Sam, I'm worried about you." He said.
"I just want to be ALONE! Go blay BASKETBALL with Jaime! Or practice skateboarding!" I yelled.
"Sam, is that why you are upset?" He asked through the door. The truth was that wasn't it at all. I was still emotional from Nana's funeral, and I had caught him checking out Hailey more then once at Breazies. Normaly it wouldn't have bothered me so much, but I was already irritated by other things. I sat down in the empty bathtub and pulled my phone from my purse, still crying. I called Nick.
"Hi Nick." I said, when he answered.
"ARE YOU CALLING NICK!? Why can't you talk to ME? I'm your Boyfriend!" I heard Johnny shout.
"AND HE IS MY FRIEND! GO AWAY!" I shouted at him, and whiped my face.
"Hey, what is going on?" Nick asked me.
"I locked myself in the bathroom." I told him.
"Why?" He asked.
"I just want to be alone." I told him. Then I explained why I was upset.
"Well, that is shitty, but you have never checked out another guy before?" He asked me.
"I know. I feel dumb for being upset, but I'm emotional, and I'm tired, and I just want some time alone." I said.
"Did you explain that to Johnny?" Nick asked.
"I tried." I told him. "I think he left. I don't hear him outside the door anymore." I told him.
"Do you want me to come over?" He asked.
"Yes." I told him.
"Is it a good idea for me to come over?"
"No." I anwsered.
"Maybe you should talk to Johnny." He said.
"I don't want to. I just want...I don't know what I want. I just want to be alone." I told him.
"Then why did you call me?" He asked.
"I don't know." I told him.
"You don't want to be alone, you want someone to talk to. You don't know how to talk to Johnny about this stuff, thats all." Nick said.
"I guess." I told him.
"Well?" He asked.
"Well What?"
"Get off the phone with me and go explain to Johnny what is bugging you." He said.
"Fine." I said, and hung up the phone. I was almost even more irritated then before I called Nick.
"What is your problem?" I asked myself. I climbed out of the tub and walked out of the bathroom. Johnny wasn't in there anymore. I sighed and walked around the house trying to find him. He wasn't anywhere. I saw Anna and stopped her in the kitchen.
"Hey, have you seen Johnny?" I asked her.
"He went with Jaime to go do more on his tattoo." She said.
"You know about that?" I asked her.
"Yeah. I have one too." She said.
"Shut up! What is with you?" She asked.
"I'm sorry." I sighed. "Did they say when they would be back?" I asked.
"No. They are going to some party after." She said.
"Oh, and aparenlty I can't go?" I asked her. She just shrugged.
"UGGGHHHHHHH!" I shouted, and stormed off. I went in the garage and got in my Mustang that my dad was keeping there for me. I drove around for about an hour, cooling off. I got home and went right up to my room. I was still really angry! I just climbed in bed, and started crying. I fell asleep shortly after. I woke up to someone knocking on my door.
"Yes?" I asked, looking at the clock. I had slept the whole night away! It was 1:00 in the morning. Flora poked her head in.
"So sorry to wake you. You should come downstairs." She whispered.
"Okay, I'm coming." I said, and climbed out of bed. I followed her down stairs and into the kitchen. I could hear a bunch of racket coming from the game room.
"What is going on?" I asked her.
"You see." She said, and opened the door to the room.
"Oh my god!" I said. Johnny and Jaime were in there, completely wasted!
"What is wrong with you guys?" I asked.
"What baby? This was how we met, remember? Only YOU were drunk!" Johnny said, and Jaime laughed. I was not amused.
"Lets go, NOW! Before the wholse house wakes up!" I yelled at Johnny.
"OH come on! We are just having fun." Jaime said.
"Fine. Embarass yourselves even more. I'm going to bed!" I shouted and stormed off back to my room.

12:12 PM  

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