Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Chapter Forty-two

Chapter Forty Two


Blogger Sarah said...

"Wow." Nick said as I rolled off of him and onto my back next to him.
"I know." I said.
"I am glad we are doing this again." He said smiling.
I rolled over onto my side and rested my head on his chest. "Me too." I said. "I better get dressed and get home now though. I've got a lot of packing to do."
"I'll miss you." He said.
I smiled.
"Is Dennis taking you to the airport?" He asked.
"Okay. Leave a few minutes early and stop here on your way." He said. "I want to give you a kiss goodbye."
"Okay." I said. I jumped up and got dressed. I gave him a kiss and went back home. "Coast is clear." Anna whispered as she came around the corner holding James' hand. She stopped running when she saw me. Her eyes got big. "Kids!" We heard Mom say loudly.
"Go, go!" I said. I opened the front door.
He kissed her on the cheek and left quickly. I shut the door. Anna had an embarassed look on her face. "Did you? Have you been?" I couldn't get the words out.
"No! Yeah right!" She said.
"You don't even know what I was going to ask." I said.
"No. We are not sleeping together." She said.
"I know you better than you think." She said. She went running upstairs.
"Where are you going?" I asked. She turned around. "To call James." She said.
I laughed and she continued up the stairs. I watched her make a mad dash down the hall. Mom walked into the room. "I thought I would take you girls for ice cream." She said.
"Where is Johnny?" I asked. "Anna's busy."
"He's out with your brother and why is Anna busy?" She asked.
"Where are they? She's talking to a boy on the phone." I said.
"At the gym. Who is she talking to?" Mom said.
I started up the stairs.
"Where are you going?" Mom asked.
"I'm changing. I'm going to the gym." I said.
"I knew you were still hung up on that boy." She said.
I just rolled my eyes and walked to my bedroom. I put on a pair of my workout shorts and a tank top. I had Dennis drop me off at the gym. I figured I could go back home with the guys. I walked in, flashed my membership card and made my way to the treadmills. I walked for a half hour, then went to the weight room. I stepped in and saw Johnny spotting Jaime at a weight bench. There were too girls with them giggling and flirting up a storm. One of them walked up behind Johnny and put her arms around his waste. I realized it was too soon for me to see him with someone else. I felt my eyes start to tear up. Johnny turned his head in my direction with a big smile on his face. When he noticed me, he got a straight look on his face instantly. He pulled the girls arms away from him and she stepped back. "Sam." He said. I turned around and ran to the locker rooms. I rushed into a changing room and started crying. I felt so stupid for getting upset. I didn't want to be upset!
"Sam!" I heard Johnny yelling from outside the locker room. "Sam!" He said again. "SAM!" He shouted.
"There is obviously no Sam in here." I heard a girl say rudly.
"Will you find out please?" Johnny asked her.
I saw someone walking up to the dressing room I was in. "Are you Sam?" She asked.
"No." I replied.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Is she in there?!" Johnny shouted.
"Yeah she is!" She answered. "Go talk to him before he throws a mental." I saw her walk away. I wiped my eyes and picked up my bag. I walked back out of the locker room and Johnny was standing up against the wall.
"I'm sorry. I don't even know those girls. They just walked up to us. I don't think they liked me anyway. I'm sure it was Jaime they were after." He said.
I didn't say anything.
"You ended this. Not me." He said.
"I know." I said, starting to cry again.
"Stop. Come on. You love Nick. Right?" He asked.
"I think so."
He gave me a strange look.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Did you come here to talk to me?" He asked.
"No. I guess I just missed you. You're always with Jaime now. I just wanted to hang out and I had Dennis drop me off. Now I want to go home, but I. . ."
"I'll grab Jaime and we'll head home." He said. "Stay right here."
He walked off. I noticed people looking at me. I felt so stupid.

12:08 PM  

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