Friday, January 19, 2007

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Blogger Sarah said...

"Reservation for Cohen." Dad told the Hostess.
"Are all nine of you here?"She asked.
"Nine?" I asked.
Just then, I turned around and saw Nick walking in the restaurant with his parents. "Oh Samantha sweetheart." His Mother, Katrina said smiling. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Darling, you look great!" She said.
"This is my BOYFRIEND, Johnny." I said.
Katrina gave me a strange look. Nick's eyes got big. "Nick." She said turning to him.
"I was gonna tell you." He said. He looked nervous.
I closed my eyes and sighed. "Very well." She said. She looked very upset.
"Right this way." The hostess said. She guided us to a table towards the back of the restaurant.
We all sat down. "Excuse me." Katrina said. She picked up her purse and walked away.
"Nicholas." Bill said.
Nick looked down at his lap.
"Why didn't you tell her?" Bill asked him.
"I think I'm gonna go." Nick said standing up. He looked at me, then started walking away.
"Nick. Wait!" I said. I got up and followed after him. He looked so upset. I felt like crying. "Nick!" I said running out of the restaurant. He stopped and turned around. "What's going on?" I asked.
"I didn't think I had to tell her." He said. "I didn't think this was it, but it is. I just want to be alone." He turned back around and continued to walk. I was so mad at myself for not going after him that night. As I layed in bed replaying the last few hours in my head, I couldn't help but cry. The whole family was upset with me for breaking Nick's heart. I heard my door creap open a little. I looked up. It was my father. "I shouldn't be telling you this, dear." He said.
"What?" I asked. "You gonna tell me how much you hate Johnny? How bad he is for me? I think your actions have made that pretty clear!"
"I'm not here to discuss Johnny." He said.
"Then what is it Daddy?" I asked rudly.
"I just wanted to let you know that a week ago from today, your Nick met me for lunch at The Court." He said.
"He had a ring in one hand and his wedding vows in the other." He said.
"Excuse me?"
"He was asking permission for your hand in marriage." He said. "I just thought you'd like to know."
"Very helpful information, Daddy. I feel so much better!" I screamed as tears began to steam down my face.
"He would have been a very suitable husband for you." He said.
"Why are you talking like he's dead! He's not dead!" I shouted.
"He is dead inside." He said. I got up, picked up my little wooden jewelry box that I got from Nana and threw it against the wall. The little balerina went flying across the room and the jewelry box hit the floor, breaking it into two peices.
"Get out of my room!" I screamed.
"I'm calling Brit." He said.
"I am NOT talking to Brit!" I yelled. "Get out!"
I pushed him out the door, slammed it, then locked it. I was so upset. I picked up the little balerina and got even more upset. "I'm so sorry Nana." I sobbed. I set it down on my nightstand. About fiteen minutes later, there was a knock at my door.
"Sammy, it's Brit." I heard.
"I'm fine!" I shouted.
"You don't sound fine. Come on. Open the door. I've got ice cream." She said.
I wiped my eyes as I walked to the door. I opened it, then walked to my bed and layed down.
Brit was my very first best friend ever. We were no longer good friends anymore, but for some reason she was still the only person in the world that was able to make me feel better when I was upset. We use to spend every waking moment together when we were in Kindergarden and First Grade. Each year after that, we talked less and less. "Why did we stop being best friends?" She asked as she handed me a bowl of ice cream. She asked me that question every time we saw eachother. Neither of us never really knew the answer to it. I shrugged my shoulders. "You broke Nana's jewelry box." She said looking at it on the floor.
"I'll have it fixed." I said.
"So, tell me what's up." She said. She sat down next to me with her ice cream and we both leaned back up against the headboard. I sighed. "Boys basically." I said.
"Ricky and I broke up." She said sounding upset. "I really wanted to call you and talk to you about it."
"We may not be best friends anymore, but I am always willing to meet up for coffee to talk about life." I said.
She sighed. "You've got Gila now."
"Unlike you, I can juggle several friends." I said.
"I know." She said.
"So what happen?" I asked.
"We moved into the condo and we fought about everything." She said. "It's like I love him, but god I really hate him sometimes."
"You've gotta be able to work it out." I said. "You've been dating since like fifth grade."
She giggled. "Yeah."
"Mall Madness?" I asked.
She nodded.
We set the game up on the floor and played for hours. We talked about a lot of things. Later in the night, she called Ricky and they agreed they both wanted to try very hard to make their relationship work. I called Nick and he didn't want to talk to me. I was slightly confused about the whole situation. I sent him a text message telling him I still loved him more than anything in this world. His reply was, "Then come over." Brit took my phone from me and read the message from him.
"Come on. We're going to see him." She said pulling me up.
"What about Johnny?" I asked.
"He's a big boy. He'll live." She said. "Come on. Let's go to the beach. I'll call Ricky too. The four of us can hang out and talk. I've got a bottle of Rum in my car too."
"I don't know. . ." I said.
"Do you remember how much fun we had the last time?" She asked.
"Yeah." I nodded.
There was one time in high school when the four of us went to the beach in the middle of the night after Brit's father had died. We sat around by the water and drank. We talked about a lot of serious issues going on in our lives. That was the last time I had seen Brit. Our friendship was very weird. It made us laugh every time we thought about it. We could go years without seeing eachother, then on those rare ocassions when we'd see eachother, it was like it had only been days since we saw eachother last. "Well?" She asked.
"Okay." I said.
We tip toed down the stairs and past the kitchen. "Wait." She whispered. "Any liquor we could snag?"
"Just wine." I said. "Anything else they would notice."
"Get a bottle or two." She whispered.
I went to the wine rack and took a bottle. I grabbed the cheapest one they had, just incase they noticed. They would be less upset with me if they found out I stole the cheapest stuff, rather than an expensive bottle. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and we quietly left the house. We hopped into her white mercedes and left. We called the boys and they both agreed to meet us at the beach. Ricky said he would bring some stuff so we could have a bonfire.
"You are such a bitch." I told her.
"The bitch you love to hate." She said.
"Don't I know it." I said.
We both laughed as we pulled up at the beach. "Oh Ricky calls me Britney now." She said smiling.
"Cute." I said sarcastically.
She glared at me with a smirk on her face. Her Dad was the only one who called her Britney. He always said that only the important man in her life could call her Britney. Everyone else, including her Mom, called her Brit. Unless her Mom was really pissed off at her, then she would call her Britney Sue. I laughed when at the thought. "What?" She asked.
"I was just picturing your Mom yelling at you for some reason." I said.
"You're strange." She said. We hopped out of the car. We saw a little fire down near the water. We both giggled. I grabbed the blanket and we ran towards the fire.

1:05 PM  

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