Thursday, January 11, 2007

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Five


Blogger Sarah said...

As I sat there on the bench at the skate park by myself, I started to doze off. "Sam right?" I heard. I looked up.
"Hails!" Jaime said waving. He walked over to us. He gave her a hug.
"This is Hailey." He told me.
I felt embarassed when I realized it was the girl I walked in on him fooling around with. I just smiled. "I've heard so much about you." She said with an obviously forced out fake smile.
"Sit." Jaime told her. She sat down next to me. I could not get the picture of them out of my head suddenly and it was driving me crazy. Her boobs were obviously fake and she smelled like she had bathed in her musky perfume. "So, Sam." She said, then let out a giggle.
I smiled.
"He didn't tell me you were so quiet." She said.
"I'm just tired." I said.
"Oh. Really? Did you not get enough rest last night?" She asked.
I sighed with annoyance. "I'm just bored." I said. I looked up at where Anna and Kasey were flirting with some of the skater boys. I laughed. "What?" She asked.
"My sister and her ditzy friend." I said pointing. "Those skater boys are not their type."
"Why do you say that? They're both beautiful." She said.
"Jaime, can we go now?" I asked him loudly.
Johnny ran up to me with his board in his hand. "A little longer, please?" He asked smiling as he gave me a quick peck on the lips.
"Yeah. . ." I said.
"Thanks." He said smiling. He gave me another kiss and ran back out.
"Why didn't you tell him you were bored?" She asked. She laughed. "It's obvious you don't want to be here."
I didn't bother to answer her. "As long as you tell him what you want, you'll always get it." She said. Jaime came walking up to us. "Watch." She whispered.
"Watch what?" He asked as he took a sip of his water. "Nothing." She said smiling really big. "Can we go now? I want to get some smoothies."
He winked at her. "Sure." He said.
I stood up and gave him an evil stare. "What's with you?" He asked.
"I asked you if we could go like five minutes ago and you said no." I said.
"And Johnny asked if we could stay a little longer. . ." He said.
I sighed loudly.
"Smoothies?" She asked him.
"You all ready to go?" He shouted.
I rolled my eyes. "What's wrong?" Johnny asked me. He put his arm around me. "Nothing." I said. Anna and Kasey walked up giggling. "Anna tried to get that guys phone number, but he said he doesn't date people with IQ's that are in their wallets." Kasey said laughing.
"He would have said the same thing to you." I said.
Everyone looked at me with blank stares. "Okay, guess nobody here has a sence of humor." I said.
"Oh you were joking?" Kasey asked, then started to laugh.
"Yeah." I said. Johnny looked at me and laughed.
"She was totally joking. He wouldn't have said that to me." Kasey bragged to Anna.
"Whatever!" Anna said. She spead up ahead of everyone and stood at the car with her arms crossed.
"Breezie's?" Hailey asked as she opened the car of her BMW.
"Yeah." Jaime said.
We all got in the car and drove to Breazie's. I didn't want to go, but I decided not to say anything. I liked smoothies. I just didn't want to be around Hailey or Kasey at the moment. We all went inside and sat down. Jaime and Johnny asked what we wanted and went up to order and pay. "He totaly would not have said that to me if I asked him for his number." Kasey said again.
"A skater boy won't be able to pay for all your shopping. Or your luxury wedding." I said.
"Oh my god. You are so right." Kasey said.
"Oh my god." I said under my breath.

3:57 PM  

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