Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Blogger Christina said...

"Ouch!" I said, trying so hard to be quiet.
"Sam?" I heard Johnny mumble.
"Yeah, sorry." I said.
"Just turn the light on." Johnny said.
"Shhhhhh! No, I'm almost to your bed." I told him. I hit the edge of his bed with my knee. "Ow! I found the bed." I said, and he laughed.
"Come here." He said, and I felt his hand on mine. I climbed in bed with him and he put his arms around me.
"Dinner was interesting." he said.
"Yeah. It could have been much worse. Anna didn't start crying." I said.
"I can't believe I said Law School! They don't believe it." He said.
"It doesn't matter. It's fine, really." I told him, and kissed his cheek.
"I sure hope so." He said.
"My dad wants us to go golfing with him tomorrow." I said.
"Whoa, what? I don't gulf." He said.
"It's easy, I was on my highschool team." I told him.
"No. I don't want to embarass myself even more in front of your dad." He said.
"Jaime will be there. I think he likes you." I told him.
"I guess." He sighed.
"It's fine. It'll be fun, I promise." I told him.
"What do I get for going along?" He asked.
"I think I can think of something." I said, and rolled over ontop of him. I felt him laugh and he started kissing me.

"SAM! Up now, hurry. Your Mama is coming to see you." I heard Flora shout. I jumped up and realized I was still in bed with Johnny. And quite naked.
"SHIT!" I shouted, startling Johnny. I jumped up and started to throw my clothes on.
"No time! Just run to your room, the coast is clear." Flora said. I didn't ask questions, I just ran to my room. I shut the door behind me and pulled a nightgown over my head, and then jumped in bed. Not two seconds later my mom was knocking on the door.
"Come in." I said, trying not to sound out of breath.
"Morning sweatie. Your dad says tee time is 9:30." She said. I looked at the clock and it was 7:30.
"Okay. Thanks mom." I told her.
"I miss you." She said, and sat down on my bed. I sat up and gave her a hug.
"I miss you too mom." I told her.
"So, who is this new guy?" She asked.
"Johnny. You met him yesterday, remember?" I asked her.
"Don't be smart with me. I don't like him. He lied. He's no lawyer." She said.
"I lied because I asked him too." I confessed.
"What does this boy do?" She asked me.
"He's a skateboarder." I told her.
"Hon, that is a hobby, not a profession." She said.
"You are wrong. He can go pro. He's extremely talented." I told her. She scoffed at the idea.
"You said the same thing about photography, and I've already had two photos published." I told her.
"That's different. You are a woman, you don't have to work. You wouldn't have to if you would just get back together with Nick." She said.
"Mom, I'm with Johnny now." I told her.
"Nick is a sweet guy." She said.
"MOM." I said, and she finally shut up.
"I'm going to go work out in the gym before breakfast." She said, kissing my forehead.
"Oh, and no more naked dashes down the hallway." She said, and I winced. When she shut the door I jumped up and started getting ready for the day. There was a light knock on my door.
"Come in." I said. The door slowly slid open and Johnny peaked his head in. "Come in, dork." I told him. He came in and shut the door behind him.
"Flora gave me the scolding of a lifetime." He said. He looked terrified, and I laughed.
"Sorry. You can take a shower in my bathroom." I told him, and tossed him a towel from the closet.
"You room is like a studio apartment or something. This is huge." He said. I just smiled and shrugged. He walked in the bathroom and I heard the shower start a few minutes later. I dug through my closet and found an outfit to wear golfing. I hadn't gone in almost a year, so I was hoping I was still decent. Johnny walked out in his towel, and I smiled at him.
"What?" He asked.
"You look pretty cute in a towel." I told him. He just smiled. I walked over to him and started kissing him. At that moment my door flew open.
"Oh my god! You are never going to believe what Stacey said-" Anna said, storming. "Well Hello." She added, checking out Johnny. I saw him blush.
"Anna, can you knock?" I asked her.
"Then I wouldn't have seen this hotty half naked." She said.
"ANNA!" I shouted.
"Sorry! Stacey said I was a bitch to Joey!" She shouted.
"You are." I told her.
"Shut up!" She said.
"I have to go to the mall today, and I was suposed to go with Joey to show off my new guy-friend, but now he wont go because of what Stacey said about me." She wined. I just rolled my eyes. I looked over at Johnny and he was just standing there, looking really out of place.
"Johnny will go with you." I told her. I looked at me, shocked, and a little scared.
"REALLY?" She shouted. "Can I dress him?" She added. I looked at Johnny and he shook his head no.
"Please?" She asked.
"It's Anna and the Mall, or My dad and golfing." I told him.
"I'll take you." He told Stacey. Her eyes lit up.
"Come on!" She said, taking his hand and leading him down the hallway. I just giggled. I found my outfit and then jumped in the shower. When I was done, I walked downstairs to eat breakfast. Everyone was down there except Johnny and Anna. I looked around the table and smelled the warm french toast, fruit, juice, and coffee. There was even scrambled eggs and bacon. I forgot what breakfast was like at my house.
"So, are you ready for a fun game of golf?" My dad asked.
"You know it. I'm ready to kick your ass." I told him.
"SAMANTHA!" My mom shouted.
"Sorry. Kick your butt." I said.
"Not much better." My mom scolded, and Jaime laughed at me. Just then Johnny came running in the kitchen. He looked embarassed when he saw everyone and quickly sat down next to me. I laughed at the sight of him. Anna had gelled his hair, put him in some plaid shorts and a white polo shirt with the color flipped up. He was wearing flip flops too.
"I am NOT letting her rip my eyebrows of my face." He said to me under his breath, and I laguhed. Anna came running in.
"I'm just gonna wax them! Not a lot!" She said.
"Anna, leave the poor guy alone." I told her.
"Fine." She said, and sat down at the table. With everyone there we started eating. It was delicious! I kept laughing when I looked over at Johnny. He was eating so much food.
"So, Johnny. Tell me about Law School." My mom said. I glared at her. Johnny nearly choked on his bite of egg.
"Let's not talk about such things right now. I just want to enjoy my breakfast." My dad said.
"No. I want to know about it." Mom said.
"You know, don't you." My dad said, and looked over at me. I just shrugged.
"Yes. You can't keep things from me darling." She said. "Tell me about skateboarding then." She told Johnny.
"You're a skateboarder?" Jaime asked, getting interested.
"Yeah. I'm hoping to go pro by the end of this year." Johnny replied.
"Really? What does that take?" My mom asked.
"Mom, can we talk about this another time?" I asked.
"Are you competeing in the Competition this Saturday?" Jaime asked, excited.
"I didn't know there was one." Johnny said.
"Yeah! It's for amatures and lesser known skaters. Kind of smaller deal in preperation for the Xgames." Jaimie told him.
"Really? Is it too late to sign up?" Johnny asked.
"I don't think so. I think you can sign up at the mall." Jaime told him. Johnny looked over at me.
"Go for it. It's a chance to get your name out on the west coast." I told him.
"Thanks." He said, and smiled.
"Sure." Jaime said. "Hey daid, can skip out on golfing today? So I can take Johnny to the mall?" Jaime asked my dad. He did not look thrilled about the whole thing.
"I'm already taking Johnny to the mall." Anna said.
"Go ahead." My dad, told Jaime.
"DAD!" Anna shouted.
"OH YOU CAN ALL TAKE JOHNNY TO MALL!" He yelled at her. She shut up after that.
"Are you still coming with me?" My dad asked me.
"Of course daddy." I told him, and he smiled.
"Good. Nick and his father were hoping you would make it." He said.
"Nick is going?" I asked him.
"Yes. That is who I golf with sweetie." My dad said.
"Oh." Was all I muttered before I looked down and started eating the rest of my breakfast. When breakfast was over I said goodbye to Johnny and we both went our seperate ways for the day.

11:14 AM  

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