Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Seven


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3:55 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

As I layed there on the couch in Nick's arms watching TV, all I could think about was Johnny. I couldn't get the look on his face when he walked out the door out of my mind. "You're being pretty quiet." He said pulling me closer to him.
"I think Johnny was upset when he left." I said.
"I thought you two were just goofing around." He said.
"Me too."
Nick didn't say anything for a few minutes. "He's a really sweet guy." I said. "He brought me flowers the other day. A dozen yellow roses."
"I bring you flowers." He said.
I smiled. "I know."
"You think he is jelous of me?" He asked.
I nodded.
"I didn't mean to get in the way." He said.
I didn't beleive him, but I didn't want to cause any problems. "I know. Don't worry about it. I'll call him later." I said smiling.
"Maybe you should call now. Before he gets all worked up about it." He said. "I'm only here for a few hours."
"Of course. Go call the poor guy." He said.
I smiled and gave him a kiss. I ran to my bedroom and grabbed the phone. I dialed Johnny's number. "I'm fine, nerd." He said when he answered the phone. "I'm not trying to steal you from your man."
"I don't think that would be possible." I said.
"That hurt a little." He said.
"You can't steal me from yourself." I said.
"And I am officially confused." He said.
"Well, you are my man. So, how could you, as my man, steal me from my man, which is you." I giggled.
"I'm your man?" He asked.
"I hope so."
"Um. . ."
"It's too soon. I'm sorry. I just started to feel more for you recently. I just realized it more." I said.
"It's not too fast." He said.
"Then what is it?" I asked.
"Well, your man is going to pick you up at seven sharp to go dancing in this weird underground dance place in the middle of the shittiest neighborhood in town. Dress nice." He said.
I laughed. "Your lady is excited."
"See you later." He said.
"Bye." I hung up the phone.
I walked back out to the living room. "He's fine." I said smiling.
He smiled. "Good."
"Thanks." I said. I gave him another hug. He sighed. "If he steals your heart, I hope he's worth it."
"You're getting a little head of yourself there. You know I don't fall in love that fast." I smiled.
He rolled his eyes. "Don't I know it." He said.
I sat back down next to him. We watched TV for a few hours until he had to leave. I called Matt to see how he was doing and to make sure it was okay to show up at the club. He said he was introduce me to the security guards and the owner. He didn't think it would be a problem to have Johnny there either, even though he was underage. "I'll be there at 7:30." He said.
"Thanks, Matt." I said.
"No problem." He said.
I hung up and started to get ready. I was so excited. When I was finished getting ready, I sat down on the couch. My phone started ringing. I picked it up and answered it. "Hello?" I asked.
"It's Dad."
"Hi, Daddy." I said.
I giggled. "Hi. What's up?"
"It's Nana." He said.
"Did she slip and fall again?" I asked giggling.
"She passed away." He said.
I felt the tears start to stream down my face instantly. "How is Papa?" I asked.
"He's doing good." He said. "We're gonna need you to come up."
"Yeah, of course." I said.
"I just got back from golfing with Nick." He said. "He said you've found yourself a new boyfriend."
"Don't bring him. You'll upset Papa." He said.
"Daddy, that's silly." I said.
He didn't say anything.
"At a time like this, Daddy. I don't think anyone is going to judge him." I said.
"Do you know the family at all?" He asked.
"They would?"
"Of course they would. You'll probably upset your Mother more too." He said. "Nick told her that he doesn't look like someone who can support you on his own."
"That is the last thing you should look for in a guy." I said.
"Schooling and a good job is important, Princess." He said.
I sighed. "Yeah well he has plenty of time to figure out what he wants to do." I said. "He's 19."
"I hope he has some kind of plan." He said.
"Daddy, he is sweet and you will love him." I said. "How is Mom?"
"She's a mess. If you bring this new boy, dress him well and have a story to tell when everyone asks him what he is going to school for and what is major is." He said.
"I don't want to lie to everyone." I said.
"Then he is taking a break while he figures out what he wants to do." He said.
I sighed.
"You know how our family works." He said.
"I know."
"The money isn't back in the savings yet." He said.
"It will be there soon." I said.
"I'll put some more in the acount so you can buy this boy some new clothes before you bring him to meet the family." He said.
"Yes, Daddy."
"I will see you soon. I love you." He said.
"Love you too." I said.
"Try to get out here within a week." He said.
"Bye." I said and hung up. I layed back on the couch and started crying. Once I was able to contain myself, I got my plane ticket. I was able to get a flight early the next morning. I called my Dad to give him the information. There was a knock at the door. I opened it. Johnny was standing there. He was dressed nice. I giggled when I looked down and he was wearing his skate shoes. "You're going to need some nice shoes." I said.
"Oh I'm sorry. I figured they were fine." He said.
"My Nana died." I said, starting to cry again.
He just looked at me. "I'm sorry to hear that." He said. I hugged him. "I've never lost anyone close to me." He said.
"Just hug me." I said.
"I can do that." He said holding me tighter.
"Will you come with me to California for the funeral?" I asked.
"You want me to meet the family already?" He asked.
"You're not going with me to meet my family. You are going with me to be at my side." I said.
"I know." He said.
"You don't want to go with me?" I asked.
"Maybe Ryan or Matt would be a better option." He said.
"Are kidding me?" I asked.
"Sam, it's just that. . ."
"What?" I asked.
He sighed. "I'll go with you."
"Well, I'm not going to force you." I said.
"I want to be there for you. I'll go." He said.
"Thank you." I said.
He walked me over to the couch and sat down. "You're gonna have to tell me what I can do for you." He said. "I've never been in this situation before."
"I'm going to call and make sure you can get on the same flight as me." I said.
"We won't be able to sit together?" He asked.
"I don't know. It depends on how full the plane is. Sometimes you get assigned seats and sometimes you don't." I said. I went to my room and called. There was room on the plane, so I bought his ticket. The lady that I spoke too said we would not be sitting together for sure, because the plane was almost full. "We're not sitting together. It's not a big deal though." I said.
"It is if you're afraid to fly." He said.
"Why are you afraid?" I asked.
"Sam, I just am." He said.
"I'll take Ryan with me." I said.
"Sam, no. I want to go." He said. "I'll be fine."
"Go home and pack, then come back here okay?"
He nodded.
I smiled at him and he smiled back. "See you in about an hour." He said.
I called Matt when Johnny left to let him know what was going on. He said the most time off he could give me was a week, which worked out perfectly. I would have plently of time to visit my friends and family, as well as attend the funeral. I packed up all of my things, which filled up four bags. "I am just as bad as my friends." I giggled as I looked at all the bags. Johnny got there soon after I was finished packing. We went to bed early and woke up the next morning to the song Baby Got Back. We kept joking and singing lines from the song as we got ready for the day. "So is sex going to be out of the question during this little trip?" He asked.
"No way." I said.
He laughed. "I'm that good, hu?"
"Eh." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Hey, you're suppose to say yes." He said.
I just giggled. Nick was by far the best, but I wasn't about to share that information. I giggled again when I thought about it. We got our bags ready at the door. "When we get into town, I'll have Dennis take us to a few stores to go shopping." I said.
"Dennis?" He asked.
"Oh my Dad's limo driver." I said.
"He has his own?" He asked.
"Okay. . ." He said. "I'm really not going to fit in with these people."
"Do you plan on going to college?" I asked.
"No. I want to get more into skateboarding." He said.
"If anyone in my family asks you if you're in college. Tell them you are thinking about going to nursing school." I said.
"I want to be a profesional boarder." He said. "Why would I say I am thinking about being a nurse? I would never do something like that."
"A teacher?" I asked.
"A boarder."
I was so nervous about him meeting my family.
"Does that embarass you?" He asked.
"Not at all."
He looked confused. When we heard the taxi driver honking his horn, we hauled all our bags downstairs. It took us two trips up and down the elevator. We loaded up our bags into the taxi and he drove us to the airport. Johnny looked so nervous as we waited in line to get in the plane. I could tell he was trying to play it cool though. We got on the plane about fifteen minutes later. His seat was six rows behind me. I felt really bad, because he had a very large woman sitting right to his left. I put on my headphones and layed my head back in my seat. I was so tired by the time we landed. I didn't feel like shopping, but I knew it was neccesary. "See, it wasn't so bad, was it?" I asked.
He just looked at me. I took his hand. We walked to the baggage claim. "Dennis!" I shouted, as I ran up to him. I gave him a big hug. Dennis was a very tall African American man. I always called him my B-baller, because he looked like a basketball player. He helped us get our bags and we walked to the limo. "Take me to the shops off fifth Avenue." I told him.
"Sure thing." He said as he pulled away.
"You okay?" I asked Johnny when I noticed he didn't look happy.
He nodded and smiled. "Why did I pack any clothes if you are going to redo my wardrobe while I'm here?" He asked.
I saw Dennis look at me in the rear view mirror and give me a look like I was in trouble. "Just a couple things." I said.
He sighed and turned his head to look out the window. Dennis parked at the shopping center. We got out and walked up to the stores. We went in to Neiman Marcus first. I got him a really nice shirt, dress pants and shoes for the funeral. When we finished there, I had Dennis take us to the skate shop. I got Johnny a new pair of skate shoes and a new board. He didn't need the new board, but when I saw his face light up when he looked at it, I just had to get it for him. He was much happier about the clothes after that. We pulled up around the giant fountain in the middle of the courtyard in front of the house. I started to get nervous again. Dennis honked his horn and my Dad and big brother, Jaime walked out the front door. They walked to the trunk and help grab our bags. I gave them each a hug and a kiss. "Lucille is excited that you're back." Jaime said.
"Daddy, this is Johnny." I said. Johnny shook his hand. "And this is my brother Jaime." Jaime shook his hand.
"Pleasure." Jaime said.
I saw Lucille peaking out the door. "Samantha!" She shouted.
"Lucille is our maide." I told Johnny. We all walked inside. I gave Lucille a hug and introduced her to Johnny. She gave him a hug.
"Let's bring our crap to my room." I told him.
"Johnny, all the guest rooms have been cleaned up. You're welcome to choose whichever one you'd like to stay in." Dad told him.
"Daddy." I said.
"What?" He asked.
Jaime laughed and I gave him a dirty look.
"Do you mean to tell me you were planning on havin him join you in your bedroom overnight?" Dad asked. "You're not sleeping with him already, are you?"
I laughed. "God, of course not, Daddy."
"Yeah right." Jaime said as he started dribbling a basketball.
"Not in the house." Dad told him.
Jaime rolled his eyes and headed towards the back yard. We went upstairs and I set him up in one of the guest rooms down the hall from my bedroom. "The remotes for the tv and everything are under the night stand." I told him.
"Okay." He said.
I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "I'll sneak over at midnight." I whispered.
He smiled. "Good."
"I think we could both use the stress relief." I said smiling.
"Definatly." He said.
I grabbed his hand. "Come see my room." I said. I lead him down the hall to my bedroom. "This is my room. My closet is on the other side of my bathroom. It's also like a dressing room." I said. I layed back on my bed. "Gosh I miss my bed. It's so comfy." I said.
"Samantha?" I heard my Mom ask.
"Yeah, I'm here, Mama!" I said getting up. I walked over to the door and opened it more. "Mama, this is my, my friend Johnny." I said.
"You mean your boyfriend. I heard." She said smiling. I caught her checking out his shoes. "Be down for dinner at five." She said.
"Lupe is making his famous fish fry."
"Oh yay! My favorite." I said excited.
"Exactly why he's making it for you." She said.
"Follow me. I'll set you up in a guest room." Mom said.
"Oh I already set him up." I said.
"Oh, okay. Well, see you at dinner then. Throw any laundry down the chute for Lucille by five." She said and left.
"Wow." He said.
I smiled.
I ran and jumped on my bed. "Lay down. It's the most comfortable bed in the world." I said. He layed down next to me. "Wow, very nice." He said. "Maybe I should be sneaking into your room tonight."
I giggled. "You better let me do the sneaking."
"Oh, alright." He said.
"We don't really wear shoes in the house, so just wear you socks to dinner." I said.
"My socks are crappy." He said.
I pushed the general button on my intercom. "Lucille, could you come up to my room, please?" I called out, then released the button. "She'll get you some slippers." I told him.
"Don't you feel bad asking her to get you everything?" He asked.
"She gets paid a ton and she really loves doing it. It's her job. She's like family." I said.
I heard my dog, Bella barking. She came running into the room and jumped on my bed with me. She looked so happy! It was so cute! Bella is my white fluffy Shitzu. "Bella wella, I missed you!" I said in a baby voice. She barked at me and jumped onto my stomach. Lucille came in after her. "Bella!" She shouted.
"She's right here." I said petting her and giving her kisses. "Luc, could you get me a pair of slippers for Johnny?"
"Yes. There are extra's in Jaime's room, still in the box." She said.
"Thanks." I said.
"I can get them it's no problem." He said looking at her.
She looked at him puzzled for a second, then laughed. "I will be right back with them." She said. "Bella." She called out from down the hall. Bella went running after her.
"Sorry." He said looking at me.
I laughed. "You're so cute."
"So, tell me about the people that I will be meeting." He said.
"Great Uncle Richard is in his eighties. He's a really sweet man. He's been smoking a pipe since I can remember." I said. "Great Uncle Carl is heard of hearing. He can hear better out of his left ear, so try to talk to him more on that side."
He nodded.
"My sister, Anna is a peice of work." I said. "Your typical O.C. girl."
"Uh oh."
"Yeah." I said. "Most of my cousins are just like her."
"Aunt Betty, Sue and Jo are all exactly like my Mother. Very high maintenance and also typical O.C. women." I explained. "You'll like my Uncle Chris. He's in his early fourties and he's really cool."
"Gotcha." He said smiling.
"They all mean well." I said. "Just so you know. . . and please don't take anything they say personally."
Lucille came back with a pair of plain dark blue slippers for Johnny to wear around the house. I put my slippers on too and we watched tv for a little while in my room. I showed him the backyard before dinner and he was amazed at all the stuff that was back there. After that, we headed to dinner. We all sat down and Lucille served us our food. "So, Johnny." Mom said.
"Yes, ma'am?" Johnny asked.
Jaime gave me a weird look and I shrugged my shoulders. "What are you going to school for?" She asked.
Johnny looked at me. He cleared his throat. "I'm going to law school actually next fall." He lied.
I felt my eyes get big. I looked at my Dad. "Impressive." Dad said. He then changed the subject to the Raiders game that was on last Monday. Johnny looked like he was starting to sweat. I sighed. "This is going to be a long vacation." I said.
"What, dear?" Mom asked.
"Nothing." I said smiling.

9:41 PM  

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