Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty-Six


Blogger Christina said...

"Do you have to take pictures of all my friends?" Johnny asked me as we followed Jim and Lyza back to their apartment.
"Yes, is that okay." I told him. He just smiled and shook his head.
"Sorry, it's what I do. I need some pictures of you." I said.
"NO!" He shouted.
"Please?" I said, sticking out my bottom lip to make a pouty face.
"Later." He said, and smiled at me. He stopped, pulling my arm so I moved closer to him. He giggled and he started kissing me.
"GOD! Can't you guys even make it back to the apartment?" Jim shouted at us.
"Yeah! When are you guys going to actualy be a couple anyway? This has been going on for what, over a month now?" Lyza added. Johnny just shook his had, and ran to catch up with Jim and Lyza. I just laughed and ran after him.
We got to their apartment shortly after. It was really small, but every place in their area was really tiny. I sat down on their futon slash bed and yawned.
"Wake up girly." Lyza said, throwing a pillow at me.
"Sorry, I had a late night." I told her.
"Johnny, you're an animal." Jim said, and we all laughed. Johnny had known Jim and Lyza for years. They were about a year or so older then me. He had met them skating when he was still a freshman in highschool.
"So what are you guys up to today?" Johnny asked Jim and Lyza while he sat down next to me and put his hand on my leg.
"We were going to kick you guys out and then have sex right on that spot again." Jim said. Johnny jumped up with a grimace on his face.
We all started laughing.
"I'm just kidding." Jim said. Johnny shook his head and sat back down next to me. Lyza walked over and sat down on the floor next to the couch and leaned her head against the wall. Jim handed everyone a beer and then sat down next to Lyza. I looked out the window at the sun starting to set.
"It's starting to get cold. You're in for a hell of a time, Miss California." Jim said. "This winter is suposed to be a cold one.
"Oh great. I can't wait." I said.
"Don't worry, I'll keep you warm." Johnny said, and kissed my cheek.
"Wow Johnny. Horny much?" Jim asked.
"Shut up. I was being sweet." Johnny said.
"Sweet. Yeah, right. You just want a piece of her sweet ass." Lyza said. Johnny just shook his head. I could tell he was embarassed.
"So, how is photo stuff?" Lyza asked me.
"Good. I might be having another photograph in an article. It's on druguse and I took a killer picture of a joint being passed between two hands." I said.
"Wow, sounds neat." Jim said.
"Yeah, I guess." I said, and yawned again.
"You okay?" Johnny asked me.
"Yeah, sorry. I've just been overly tired lately." I told him, yawning again at the end as if to emphisize my point. Lyza giggled. After we drank our beer I asked Johnny if he could take me home. I felt like I was falling asleep on the couch. We said goodbye to Jim and Lyza, promising to meet up with them soon. Lyza wanted me to show her how to dance.
"Are you okay?" Johnny asked me.
"Yeah. I just feel sleepy. I'm fine." I told him. When we got back to my place I walked back to my room and changed. I layed down on my bed, and Johnny layed down next to me. He started to play with my hair, and I fell asleep.

"Hey. Babe, wake up." I heard. I opened my eyes and Johnny was standing over me.
"Some guy is here to see you. Nick or soemthing." He said.
"What?" I asked, sitting straight up.
"I don't know, he's at the front door. I told him I wasn't going to let him in case you didn't actualy know him." Johnny said.
"Oh shit." I said, and stood up. I felt dizzy.
"What is it?" Johnny asked.
"I think I might be getting sick." I told him. Once I steadied myself I walked out to the front door. I peeped through and sure enough, Nick was standing there. I opened it, and let him in. He gave me a big hug.
"Nick, what are you doing here?" I asked him.
"I miss you." He said.
"I miss you too, but you can't keep surprising me like this." I said, and smiled at him. He hugged me again. I heard Johnny clear his throat behind me.
"Oh sorry." I said, blushing in the awkward moment.
"Nick, this is Johnny. Johnny, this is Nicky, my uh...my ex." I said. Nick kind of flinched at the words.
"I should get going." Johnny said, and pulled his sweatshirt over his head.
"No, don't go." I told him.
"I'll see you later." He said, and went to kiss me, but looked at Nick and stopped. He just waved instead, and left. Looking just a little bit upset.
"I'm sorry." Nick told me.
"It's okay, Come have a seat." I told him.
"I just really missed you when I talked to you the other day." He said. I just smiled at him. We walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.
"So, that's him?" He asked.
"That's who?" I asked in return.
"That's the guy that lives with his parents?" He asked.
"Don't say it like that, and yes that's him." I told him.
"Sorry. You still aren't with him right?" He asked me.
"No, whats with all the questions? I thought it didn't bother you." I said.
"I'm sorry. Forget I said that. How have you been?" He asked me.
"Good. I think I'm getting sick." I told him.
"Sorry Samanthamouse." He said, and I giggled.
"I havn't heard that in so long." I told him.
"I know. I havn't said it in so long." He said, staring at me. I remembered when we said goodbye to each other at the airport. How we promised it work out. Boy were we wrong. I thought to myself. Nick scooted closer to me and kissed me. Just then the front door opened, and we both jumped.
Johnny was standing there looking at us.
"I forgot my wallet." He said. I got up and ran into the room to grab it off the night stand. I gave it to him.
"Johhny its not-" I started to say, but he just shook his head. We're just two kids that like each other remember? Nothing more." He said, then turned and left. I sighed, then turned and looked back at Nick. He got up, walked over to me and put his arms around me. I was surprised at how upset I was about Johnny. I tried not to show it though.
"Where were we?" Nick asked, and brushed my hair from my face, kissing my cheek.

12:32 PM  

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