Friday, February 02, 2007

Chapter Fifty-One

Chapter Fifty-One


Blogger Christina said...

"Go Away!" I shouted through the door after looking through the peephole.
"Sam, Please! I just want to talk!" Matt shouted back. I looked through again, and he looked so upset. I sighed, and unlocked and opened the door.
"What?" I asked.
"I'm sorry about earlier today." He said.
"What exactly are you sorry about?" I asked him.
"For leaving you to meet with-" I cut him off.
"Matt, I knew this was going to happen." I told him, and turned walking back into the apartment. I walked in and sat down on the couch. Matt followed me and sat down on the other end.
"I'm sorry." He said again.
"I told you no, not at work. See what happened? I was embarassed. And then you just left, like nothing was even going on. I don't want to be just sex to you, Matt. I don't want to be just an impulse to you." I told him. He looked down at the floor and didn't say anything.
"Matt, this was a bad idea." I said, and he looked up.
"No, it wasn't. It isn't. I'm sorry about today, I really am." He told me. "I guess I've been doing this business stuff for so long now, I forgot how to treat someone important to me."
"Important? Matt, we hardly even know each other." I told him.
"I know, but you are still important to me." He said. I just sighed. I had no idea what to say.
"Hey, lets go out tonight." He said, and I shook my head no.
"I'll see you at work tomorrow Matt." I told him, and stood up. He stood up too.
"Please?" He asked.
"Maybe another time. Right now, I need to think." I told him.
"Okay, I understand." he said, and hugged me. Just then my front door flew open and we both jumped.
"Sam!" Jaime shouted and ran in.
"Hey, I thought I told you to lock your door!" Johnny said, walking in. He stopped when he saw Matt.
"Hey." He said. "Hi Johnny." Matt said.
"Matt, this is my brother Jaime, Jaime this is my boss Matt." I said.
"Nice to meet you." Jaime said, looking kind of suspicious. I couldn't help but laugh a little.
"I'll see you tomorrow Matt." I said, and he left.
"I thought you guys weren't getting here for another two days." I said.
"We changed our mind. We wanted to surprize you." Jaime said.
"Well, that you did." I told him.
"So, what was that about?" Johnny asked.
"Nothing. We needed to talk about some work stuff." I said, only half lying.
"Right." He said.
"So, how have you two boys been?" I asked.
"Awesome! It's so great not having to live at home. And dad is pissed that I'm supporting myself and totaly proving him wrong!" Jaime shouted, and walked over and plopped down on my couch.
"What about you?" I asked Johnny.
"I'm not bad." Was all he said.
"Come on, lets go get some dinner, I'm starving." I said. Jaime stood back up and we all walked to a restaurant a couple blocks away.

11:04 AM  

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