Thursday, February 01, 2007

Chapter Forty-Seven

Chapter Fourty-Seven


Blogger Christina said...

"FUCK!" I screamed, and jumped backwards, holding my arm over my eyes.
"Whoa! We aren't even to the scary parts yet." Matt said.
"Well, what do you expect? I'm drunk and watching a scary movie." I told him.
"It's just Texas Chainsaw Massacre." He said.
"Just? It's fucking scary." I whined.
"Do you want me to turn it off?" He asked laughing.
"No. Just hold me." I said, and scooted closer. He laughed and put his arm around me. Durning the next scene I jumped again, and ended up in his lap. He couldn't stop laughing at me during most of the movie. When it ended he turned the TV off, and turned on the lamp next to him.
"Well, you are certainly fun to watch movies with." He said, and smiled. I laughed when I thought of how silly i must look sitting on his lap with my arms around his neck. I felt his hands around my waist.
"You realize that I'm going to have to stay here now, right?" I asked.
"Why is that?" He asked me.
"Because there is NO way in hell I'm walking out of this apartment and riding the subway home. I'm terrified!" I told him, and he laughed again.
"Well, damn. I guess you just have to stay here then." He said sarcasticly.
"Was this your plan? Scare me to death so i have to stay here?"
"Nah. I'm not THAT clever." He said, and winked.
"You are cute though." I said, then blushed when I realized I said it! "Oh my god! I can't believe I just said that! I've had one to many drinks tonight." I told him.
"You are attracted to me then?" He asked.
"NO!" I shouted. "Well, yes, but not...I ...fuck." I stammered.
"You think I'm hot. You like me." He said, and stuck his tounge out at me.
"Shut up!" I said, blushing even more.
"It's okay. I think you are hot too." He told me. I just smiled. I felt a little awkward.
"I should probably get to bed. I'm tired." He said after a moment of silence.
"Me too." I told him, and climbed off his lap. He stood up and took my hand and walked me to his room. I felt really nervous. He flipped on the light, and lead me in.
"You can sleep in here. I'll take the couch." He said.
"Oh. Okay." I answered, a little disapointed.
"Is that okay?" He asked me.
"Oh, yeah!" I said, way to enthusiasticly.
"You just sounded a little sad." He answered.
"No, I just thought...nevermind. This is fine." I told him.
"You thought what? I was going to- Oh...." He said, and grinned.
"Honey, I'm a gentleman. I'd only do that if you wanted me too." He said, and I blushed again.
"Well, maybe we should go to bed now." I said, and hugged him.
"Okay. Night." He said.
"Goodnight." I told him.
"You can let go of me now." He said.
"Sorry." I told him, and let go. He turned to leave, and I grabbed him and stopped him.
"What?" He asked. I stepped forward and kissed him long and hard. He stepped back, pulling away.
"I'm so sorry!" I gasped, and put my hand over my mought.
"It's okay." He said.
"No, I'm so sorry! I don't know why I-"
"It's okay. Good night." He said, smiling and left. I shut the door, and undressed so I was only in my tanktop and panties. I climbed in his bed, between his satan sheets.
"Nice." I thought to myself. I was almost asleep when I opened my eyes.
"This is stupid." I said to myself. I got up and tiptoed to the living room.
"Matt?" I whispered. No answer. "Matt? Are you awake?"

12:32 PM  

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