Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Three


Blogger Sarah said...

"Mind if I interupt?" I heard Anna ask. Mom and I looked up. "Of course not, sweetie." Mom said. "Hop up here."
Anna jumped into Mom's bed with us. She had a beautiful wooden oversized canopy bed. Flora walked in with some ice cream for us. She had three small crystal ice cream bowls full of vanilla ice cream on a tray. "Chocolate syrup?" She asked. We all nodded. "Thank you." Mom told her. Flora looked shocked to hear those words come out of Mom's mouth. "Why don't you take the night off?" Mom told her smiling. Flora smiled. "I couldn't possibly leave you ladies at a time like this." She said.
"We'll manage." Mom said. "Why don't you treat yourself to the spa area?"
"Really?" Flora asked looking confused.
"Of course. You're like family. Benji's number is hanging up on the little board near the sauna if you'd like to give her a call." Mom said.
"Your masseuse?" She asked.
"She's very good." Mom said.
Flora nodded. "You deserve it." I told her smiling.
"Thank you. If you need anything though, do not hesisate to call for me." She said.
"We won't bug ya." Anna said. "We've got enough men here."
We all giggled. Flora put the bed trey in front of us and put our ice cream on it. She smiled and left. "Romeo & Juliet?" Mom asked.
We all nodded. She turned on the movie. We never watched the newer version, because none of us found it to be half as good. We always watched an older version of the play that Mom had been watching for a really long time. We quoted the movie a lot too, because we had all seen it so much. "Romeo, Oh Romeo!" Anna called out with a winey voice. We all laughed. By the time the movie was over, we were all in tears, as always. We looked at eachother and laughed some more. We all had mascara running down our faces. Mom grabbed some tissues off her nightstand and handed them to us. We all wiped our eyes. "Tell me about this Johnny." Mom said.
I just shrugged my shoulders. "Do you love him?" Anna asked.
"No." I said.
"I saw you with Nick in the garden." Anna said.
"He was just seeing if I was okay." I said.
"Where was Johnny?" Mom asked.
"Bed." I said.
"Kind of silly, don't you think?" Anna asked.
I sighed and leaned back into the pillow behind me. "I don't feel like talking about it right now." I said.
"Subject dropped." Mom said. I smiled at her. She was never one to drop a subject like that.
"Hello, ladies." Nick said walking into the bedroom.
"Hi." We all said smiling at the same time.
He laughed. "Hope I'm not interupting anything." He said. "I was just wondering if Sam would like to join me at the drive-in. They're doing a marathon. Flashdance, Footloose and Dirty Dancing. All on one screen."
"Oh my god." Anna said smiling. She looked at me with her bottom lip poking out. I giggled. "Yeah!" I said excited.
"Ugh!" Anna said. She got up and walked up to him. She turned to me. "You're lucky you have a man that actually knows what women like."
I smiled.
She looked at him. "Why couldn't you have had a twin brother?"
"I have A brother." He said.
"He's a dweeb." She said and walked off.
We laughed. I looked at Mom and sighed. "Go get ready. I'll be fine." She said. She grabbed me and kissed me on the nose. I smiled and got up. "Give me ten minutes." I said and ran off to my bedroom. I changed into a light blue strapless dress and put some more makeup on. I put my black heels on and switched out my purses so I could use one that matched my dress. I put on some darker lipstick and headed downstairs. Nick was sipping wine and talking to Uncle Chris. Uncle Chris looked at me. "You look very nice." He told me. I took Nick's hand and he smiled. "Thanks." I said smiling.
"Have fun, kids." He said.
We walked outside and hopped into his Cadilac. I always felt so classy when I rode in his car. "We're gonna go get my Dads convertable." He said.
"Really?" I asked excited.
"Of course. You can't go to the drive-in without a convertable." He said.
We drove to their house and switched cars. He took me to the drive-in and it was incerdible. I had started to forget what a great guy Nick was. It was pretty late when we arrived back at my house. "Goodnight." I said. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"As badly as I want to kiss you right now, I'll be a gentleman." He said.
"What if I don't want you to be a gentleman?" I asked.
He smiled. "Figure out what you want. Johnny is trying. Don't give up on him so soon."
"Thanks." I said.
"Goodnight." He said.
I got out of the car and went inside. All I could think about was Nana as soon as I walked into the house. I started crying as I went upstairs. I tried to be quiet. I walked to Johnny's room and tip toed to his bed. "Johnny?" I sobbed.
He turned toward me. "Hey." He said softly. "Come here." He said when he realized I was crying. I climbed into bed with him. "Tell me what I need to do." He whispered.
"I can't always tell you what to do." I said.
He pulled me close to him and I rested my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head. "How is this?" He asked.
"Good." I said wiping my eyes.
He squeezed my arm. "You'll be okay. Try to get some sleep." He said.
I felt safe and comforted in his arms, but it wasn't the same as with Nick. I was kind of wishing I was in his arms. I thought more about what he said though and decided to give Johnny a chance.

1:04 PM  

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