Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Chapter Seventy-Nine


Blogger Sarah said...

"Let's go somewhere." I said. "I don't wanna be here right now."
"Okay." He smiled.
He grabbed my sweater that was laying on the back of my vanity chair. He stood behind me and helped me put it on. He put his arm around me and we walked to his car. There was a very long silence, until we pulled up in front of the Sherman Library & Gardens. I smiled and my mood changed to happiness instantly. He got out of the car and walked around, opening my door. He took my hand as I stepped out of the car. We started walking down one of the brick walkways. It was beautiful. It was full of fountains and flowers. We walked around for a while holding hands without saying anything. We just enjoyed the silence and the site of the gardens. He stopped walking when we reached a big fountain in the middle of a sea of red roses. He stood in front of me and took both of my hands in his. He kissed me long and hard. "This isn't what you want." He said softly.
I felt a tear stream down my cheek. He placed his palm on my cheek and wiped the tear with his thumb. "You deserve the best life." He said. "You deserve more than the best."
"Thank you."
"Whether that life is with me or with someone else, as long as you are happy, I am happy." He said.
We walked a little further and sat down at a bench.
"This place is so beautiful." I said.
"Do you remember the last time we were here?" He asked.
"Of course."
"The start of our relationship roller coaster." He said.
We both giggled.
"So, tell me what's going on?" He said.
"I'm not ready to get married." I said.
"I had a feeling. . ."
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Like I said before. Whether you are living a happy life with me or someone else, as long as you are happy, I will be happy too." He said.
I sighed.
"This isn't because of your Mother being Mother of the Bridezilla, is it? If I can even call her that. Let's just call her the wedding planner from hell." He laughed and it made me laugh.
"Wedding planner from hell sounds good." I said. "But, not it's not her."
"You'll always be special to me." He said.
"And you'll always be special to me." I said.
"So, what are you plans?" He asked. He stood up, then helped me up.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think I should just up and leave again or anything. I'll get a job here, earn some of my own money and then find a great place in New York." I said.
"That sounds good." He said.
We started walking back towards the car. "If you ever need ANYTHING, you know that I am here right?" He asked.
"Yeah." I smiled.
"I want you to have all the money I get back from all the down payments we already put towards the wedding." He said.
"You get that back?" I asked.
"Oh, I'm getting it back." He said.
I laughed.
"Trust me on that." He said.
"I do."
We got in the car and he dropped me back off at the house. I gave him a kiss and went inside.
"You are ruining your life." My Mom said when she saw me starting to walk up the stairs.
I turned around. "I left behind some great things in New York to come back here." I told her.
"What about all the great things you left behind here when you went to New York?" She said.
"I love you, Mom." I said.
She looked confused.
"I want you to know that." I said.
"What are you plotting?" She asked.
"I'm not plotting anything." I said. "We both just havn't been very nice to eachother lately. You never know when you're going to lose someone, so I just want you to know that I love you and I know you are just trying to give me the life I deserve."
"I am."
"Well, I am sorry." I said. "It's over between Me and Nick. I am going to get a job here to make some extra money, then I am going to get a place in New York and stay there for a while."
"A while?" She asked.
I smiled. "I'm sure I'll be back. I love this place too much." I said. "But, I won't be living here. I'll get my own place when I decide to move back."
"Unless you meet your Prince Charming." She smiled.
I giggled. "I think that's possible." I said as I pictured Matt and I the first time we kissed.
"She's a smart girl." Dad said as he walked into the room.
He put his arm around Mom. He smiled at me and they walked back into the library. I figured he was going to talk to her about everything that's been going on. I went upstairs to my bedroom.
"You've got some nerve, young lady!" I heard as my door slammed open. I looked up. It was Nick's Mom.
"Breaking my sons little heart!" She shouted.
"He is fine." I said.
"Well, I'm not okay with this!" She said.
His Mom had never spoken to me with such anger. She was always the sweetest lady I knew. She was ussually even more understanding than my own Mother.
"Really, it only matters if him and I are okay with this." I said.
"You are a self centered little bitch." She said.
I started crying.
"Shut up!" She shouted.
I couldn't beleive how angry she was. Nick came running into the room. "What the hell is going?" He asked. "What do you think you're doing here?"
She looked at him like he was an idiot. "You're not going to find another girl to marry you!" She shouted.
"What?" He asked.
"That's right." She said rudly.
"You're completly worthless!" She shouted to him.
He got the most upset look on his face. He looked so hurt.
"You're not worthless at all." I told him.
"You obviously agree that he's worthless, you little slut." She said to me.
"Fuck off!" He told her.
She walked over to him and pushed him into the wall knocking down the little book shelf on my wall.
I heard someone come running up the stairs quickly.
"What's going on?" Dad asked as he walked into the room out of breath.
"Do you beleive these two?" She asked him.
"What?" Dad asked.
"Not getting married and about to destroy their lives completely." She said to him.
"Did you marry your first love?" He asked her.
"No, but that doesn't matter!" She shouted.
"And your son isn't going to marry his." He said. "Nothing wrong with that."
"I hate ALL of you! I want NOTHING to do with any of you ever again!" She screamed. She started crying and stormed out of the room. I grabbed my suitcase and started throwing clothes into it. "Fuck this." I said. I grabbed my purse. I kissed Nick on the cheek, then my Dad. "I love you both." I said starting to cry. "I'll call you as soon as I get to New York. I can't take any of this anymore!"
"Princess!" Dad called out.
"I'll be fine!" I said. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I called out for Dennis. He was right there shortly after.
"To the airport please." I said. "Also can you see if you can book me a flight on the way?"
"Of course." He said.
I hopped into the back of the smaller limo and we drove to the airport. He got me a flight that was leaving in twenty minutes. We rushed and I hoped and prayed that I could make it in time for the flight.

3:35 PM  

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